Friday, July 17, 2015

Billy Long: I will not accept a dangerous, bad deal with Iran

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

After more than 19 months of negotiations and many missed “deadlines,” the U.S., member nations of the United Nations Security Council and Iran struck a deal to lift international economic sanctions in return for Iran to reign in its nuclear program. Southwest Missourians have, for quite some time now, reached out and let me know of their concerns about a nuclear Iran. To guarantee accountability, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 was passedand signed into law in May to allow Congress up to 60 days to review any deal made with Iran regarding its nuclear program and aspirations to develop a nuclear weapon.

It is great that Congress now has the power to review and take a vote on this agreement. We have the power to make sure a bad deal with a state-sponsor of terrorism and enemy of the U.S., Israel and our allies does not become reality.

I am very skeptical of this agreement. I am most concerned that it would only delay Iran’s mission to build a nuclear weapon while permanently lifting sanctions that have greatly slowed that process down. Iran would be allowed to research modern nuclear centrifuges while the agreement is still in place. Much of this agreement relies on the ability to inspect the country’s nuclear infrastructure. Under this agreement, international inspectors would not have full, cover-to-cover access to Iranian facilities. In some instances, Iran would approve the ability to inspect with a process that could last for over three weeks. This gives Iran plenty of time to cover up any activity that would not comply with the agreement. Having true verification through timely inspections is absolutely necessary to make sure history does not repeat itself and allow Iran to continue its proliferation efforts.

Even if Iran plays by the rules, with sanctions lifted and billions of dollars at its disposal, I am concerned Iran would have more resources to put toward research and ready its nuclear capabilities once the agreement expires. Experts estimate Iran could currently develop a nuclear weapon within three months, while this deal may only extend the time to one year. President Obama said the “breakout time” may be zero before expiration. None of this solves the problem.

I find it very troubling that President Obama issued a veto threat on any legislation to stop the deal from occurring before the agreement text even made it to Congress. It defeats the purpose of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act he signed into law and has a chilling effect on real, collaborative congressional oversight and decision making.

I look forward to reviewing all the details of the deal between now and September before taking a vote. I will not accept a dangerous, bad deal that jeopardizes Americans over no deal at all. All alternatives, including strengthening sanctions, should be considered.


  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I will however accept gifts from lobbyists, trips from foreign governments and meals, meals and more meals from anybody. I wish Reagan were alive to sell them weapons we could make some money on the deal.

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Sure he won't accept it....he's republican. Isn't that their mission?

  3. Anonymous10:11 AM

    This is a treaty and you should have absolutely no say in it!! Senate should have to vote a 2/3 of members present....but no republicans gave that away..leaving a 2/3 vote to disapprove...after a veto...will never be shot down...

  4. Anonymous11:02 AM

    As Jeb Bush said recently after reviewing the Mideast "The more I get into this stuff, there's some things you just go, you know, 'holy schnikes.' This is, like, serious stuff," Bush said.

    Read more:

  5. Anonymous11:05 AM

    What typical Lib's! No matter what the subject line! It's either 1) Blame Bush or 2) Republicans are evil! Please, make up a new blame or maybe just accept the President you voted into office! That's tough, I know,accepting responsibility for your own party!

  6. Anonymous12:27 PM

    The sanctions are over because the rest of the world will no longer go along with their retention. It really does not matter what the United States does or does not do. China and Russia want the oil and France and Germany want the money so bluster on Long. Truth is, you and your fellow members of Congress simply do not matter at all.

  7. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I will not accept a dangerous, bad deal that jeopardizes Americans over no deal at all. All alternatives, including strengthening sanctions, should be considered.

    If this deal is rejected we may look forward to yet another war in the Middle East. As I am not a chickenhawk like some RINOs like Rummy and dick CHEENY I will be enlisting in the US Military just as soon as I am able to pass the physical fitness examinations required. First I will begin passing some lobbyist and casino buffets.

    Signed, your favorite auctioneer!
