Sunday, September 20, 2015

Agenda posted for Joplin R-8 Board of Education meeting

The Joplin R-8 Board of Education will meet 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Memorial Administration Building.

A. Call to Order

1. Roll Call

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Approval of Agenda - Action

D. Reports

1. Board President's Report

a. Board Committee Updates

1. Finance Committee - Jeff Koch, Debbie Fort and Ron Gatz

2. Policy Committee - Lynda Banwart and Jennifer Martucci

3. Facilities Committee - Sallie Beard and Gary Nodler

4. Communications Committee - Jeff Koch and Jennifer Martucci

2. Superintendent's Data Report

a. Lockdown Drill (Active Shooter) - Jim Hounschell

b. High Performing Systems Update - Dr. Norm Ridder

E. Public Comments Regarding Agenda Items

F. Consent Agenda - Action

1. Approve Minutes - Action (Pat Waldo)

2. Personnel Recommendations - Action (Tina Smith)

3. Approve Bus Routes for School Year 2015-16 - Action (Tina Smith)

4. Health and Dental Care Insurance Reports - Info. (Paul Barr)

5. Financial Statements - Info. (Paul Barr)

G. Regular Agenda

1. Accounts Payable - Action (Paul Barr)

2. Non-resident Tuition - Action (Paul Barr)

3. FTC Surplus Property - Action (Jason Cravens)

a. FTC Surplus Building - Action

b. FTC Surplus Vehicles - Action

c. FTC Surplus Vehicle - Action

4. 54 Dell Laptops for FTC at MSSU - Action (Eric Pitcher)

5. Microsoft Renewal - Action (Eric Pitcher)

6. MoreNet Renewal - Action (Eric Pitcher)

7. Purchase of Adult Surgical Technology Textbooks Academic Year 2015-16 - Action (Jason Cravens)

8. Purchase of Adult Practical Nursing Textbooks Academic Year 2015-16 - Action (Jason Cravens)

9. Ion Wave Technologies/SpedTrack - Action (Mark Barlass)

10. SW Center for Educational Excellence Membership Dues - Action (Mark Barlass)

11. LTE Billbacks - Carl Junction Schools - Action (Mark Barlass)

12. Out-of-State Overnight Field Trips - School Year 2015/16 - Action (Jason Cravens)

13. Strategic Planning Services - Action (Dr. Norm Ridder)

H. BOE Announcements

1. September 2015 Enrollment Data

I. Closed Session RSMO.610.021(1) Legal actions and (3) Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees.

J. Adjourn


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I wish I was seeing something on the agenda about rescuing the teachers after their pay was docked a bunch of money this month. I can't see as teaching in Joplin is anything but worse so far this year. More to do and less money. The Joplin Way continues.

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I strongly hope that Dr. Ridder will fight for a significant increase in teacher pay, and give assurance to teachers that their pay will be competitive next year before contract deadlines arrive. I do not think I can sign another contract with Joplin Schools knowing that I can easily make $5,000 a year or more going to another district. It is time for the district to show appreciation and loyalty to the few veteran teachers that have remained. It is disheartening and insulting to know that many teachers are bringing home less money this year after the "raises" and insurance than they were last year, especially considering how underpaid we have been for years.

  3. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Bringing home less happened before when Dr. Simpson was here. He said that it didn't happen.
