Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Huff, Winston: Bright Futures improves graduation rates, grades, discipline

In a September 1 interview that has been posted on YouTube, former Joplin R-8 Superintendent C. J. Huff and Bright Futures Joplin Director Melissa Winston promote the program, citing data that has little or no basis in reality.

The recording was made a few days before the announcement that Bright Futures USA, the not-for-profit organization that supposedly has nothing whatsoever to do with Bright Futures Joplin, has hired Huff for a full-time position.

During the interview, Huff takes the basic idea of Bright Futures in a direction that has not been mentioned before, but which has been obvious to those who have been watching what has been happening in Joplin, as he refers to "growing up next generation school board members."

Two of the candidates who ran for the one-year seat on the board in April were associated with Bright Futures, including Nancy Good, who has served on the board of directors of Bright Futures USA since its inception.

The voters were not ready for this new generation of board members, as Jennifer Martucci received more votes than Good and Melinda Campbell combined.

Huff and Winston both talk of having five years of data proving that Bright Futures works. That data includes a 15 percent increase in graduation rates, fewer disciplinary referrals, and better grades.

Actually, none of that data provides evidence that Bright Futures has had any effect at all. District teachers have told the Turner Report of mandates to keep failures down to a certain small percentage of the students and disciplinary referrals, including some that would have brought suspensions in the past have been heavily discouraged.

That doesn't stop Huff and Winston from citing these things as evidence.

"Bright Futures is the backbone that makes these things happen," Huff said.


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    OMG! Now it's Bright Futures? How hysterically funny is that claim? First we were told it was Fusion. And one-to-one. No, that isn't right. It was TLCs before those things. Then it was the Joplin Writing Model and CJ's first-20-days-of-literacy initiative. What am I forgetting? RTI? SWIFT? When I left two years ago there were so many things going that it would be impossible to say that Bright Futures made the difference. It doesn't serve that many of the students, according to the flier that comes in the mail. Last year they bragged they helped 400+ students--out of 7,000--which is hardly a majority.

    Like all things CJ says, this is just one more manipulation. Turner is correct. Teachers aren't supposed to have many students fail at all, and not many disciplinary referrals received a consequence. That's why so many, like me, left. This just makes me less sad about it. Things haven't changed much back in Joplin yet.

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    CJ Huff is bringing his "Culture of Fear" to Bright Futures USA. Already, Webb City has been attacked for questioning the fiscal responsibility of BFUSA. Mark said "shame on you Webb City" in his TV interview. Where is Kim Vann? She lives in Webb.

  3. Anonymous4:24 PM

    This man has no shame. None at all. Is he threatening us with more of his pet board members? Does he think he can make a recovery? It's a shame we no longer run thieves and conmen out of town on a rail, adorned with tar and feathers. Now we are limited to working with pitchforks and lanterns.

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Fishy flirting for some sugar daddy rich people to fund his new plans?

    There's big money behind wrecking public education.

  5. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Sounds like Mr. Rosetti has the integrity that Joplin has lacked for quite sometime.

  6. Anonymous5:35 PM

    4:53 is correct. And CJ Huff is the wrecking ball, ready for hire.

  7. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I can't believe that Bright Futures would attack one of it's original and strongest affiliates for asking questions about fiscal responsibility. Someone at Bright Futures USA needs to answer for the blatant attack on a neighboring school district. What nerve they have to go into attack mode toward a program that has been hugely successful. Sham on you Mark Quinn. Shame indeed...

  8. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Bright Futures has as much to do with increased graduation rates in Joplin as fleas on a rats butt. Rates increased when they started manipulating data. You report things the way you want them reported and you get the results you want. It is all a load of bull and CJ is attached, so point proven. What started as a great program in Joplin has turned into a pile of rotten produce that they are still trying to sell at market. So over CJ Huff and anything he is attached to.

  9. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Way to keep it classy Mark, bashing Webb City for voicing their concerns about the business decisions of Bright Futures USA. I'm sure the other districts will be sharing the same concerns now that this is public. Mr. Quinn said it was a no brainer to spend money to get results. According to the latest 990 report for 2013 found here: http://foundationcenter.org/findfunders/990finder/ Bright Futures USA lists gross receipts for $299,465. Is this what you mean by spending money to get results? What do they have to show for this kind of revenue coming in and out? They were paying salaries of 4 people during that calendar year. How is throwing even more money out the window to Huff going to further this initiative? Looks to me like they need to clean house and start over. How do we investigate further what this money has been spent on besides padding pockets and bellies of Huff and Vann?

  10. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Bright Futures has not contributed to much of anything but something for Huff to control. If it went away tomorrow there would be honest resources for kids. Why would anyone hire Huff and why does he stay around here? Hasn't he figured out this town wants him and his messes gone. Once again Huff is in denial about his worth here.

  11. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Dude looks like he et a wrecking ball!

  12. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Winston being manipulative? Never... oh wait, that's something she has definitely mastered. Nothing new here.
