Thursday, October 29, 2015

Kim Vann: We'll keep C. J. Huff despite state budget cuts

Bright Futures USA Executive Director Kim Vann says Gov. Jay Nixon's decision to remove the $150,000 her not-for-profit organization was scheduled to receive from the state will slow the organization down, but it won't cost former Joplin R-8 Superintendent his consulting gig.

In an interview with KSN, Vann detailed Bright Futures USA's plans:

"We feel the work we do is important, so we will find a way to support those communities throughout the state of Missouri that are currently affiliated with Bright Futures," said Kim Vann, Bright Futures U.S.A. Executive Director.

She says the organization will continue to work with school districts in rural parts of Missouri to kick start their Bright Futures programs, but not as quickly as they originally planned.

"At this point, we're still evaluating how it would affect the organization over the course of the year, we're in the first quarter of our fiscal year, it will definitely cause us to change our strategy," Vann explained.

Despite the short fall, Vann says the three full time employees and one part time employee of the non for profit organization will still stay on the payroll, including former Joplin superintendent, Dr. C.J. Huff.

In a recent Joplin Globe article, Vann said the $150,000 cut eliminated 30 percent of the organization's budget. If that is the case, then somehow BFUSA has managed to find another quarter of a million dollars since its federal income tax form 990 filed in February shows it only received $250,000 total during that year, with 60 percent of it coming from Missouri taxpayers.


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Anyone know if Vann is a school district employee?

  2. She no longer works for the Joplin R-8 School District.

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    And her comments are from a person who has skipped out on paying her bills, by filing for bankruptcy. Oh, wait, didn't Melissa Winston do that, too??? And all those funds are in such secure and competent hands, NOT!

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Nope, they have no shame. The governor's budget cutting measures only mean austerity for others. Tell us where all this money comes from to operate BF's money machine, please.

  5. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Do they get free meals at bright fat's this the only women i know with four chins

    1. Anonymous5:46 AM

      I'm no fan of hers, but personal attacks are uncalled for.

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Maybe she ate a bunch of the snack packs (:

  6. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Does anyone know the names of all the employees working for BFUSA? I heard that Steve Fuller, Peggy Fuller's husband, works for them?

  7. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I know that Mrs. Vann has at least two of her relatives that work for them!! Funding needs cut - absolutely fraudulent activity occurring there. Someone should audit them. Too much money going for their lunches every day at restaurants that they categorize as work lunches.... Kim and her aunt Cindy and nephew John out eating lunch... and then Kim and her board members. All expensed to Bright Futures USA as business expenses, paid with taxpayer dollars and donated monies. Shameful....... someone should look into the daily expenses there for all kinds of things - fraudulent activity at its finest. Too many examples of this kind of daily activity - like its their personal cash cow slush fund....

  8. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Are they going to cut Huff's $30,000 to help

  9. "Anonymous" happens to be the most gutless expression of an opinion ever created! You all have the balls to insult people, but not enough to put your name.

  10. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Where does the money come from if the state cuts off the funding?

  11. Anonymous5:43 PM


    So, you insult others and only use your first name? I think there might be more than one "Luke" in the area. Hypocrite.

  12. Anonymous5:47 PM

    @ 1:47

    I thought his name was Pete Fuller. Maybe that's a nickname. I just remember when they used to host huge beer parties in their basement for all the athletes and cheerleaders. Jerks.
