Thursday, October 22, 2015

Today's Joplin Globe: Deja vu all over again

For those of you who thought a couple of stories in today's Joplin Globe looked familiar, you're absolutely right.

The lead story in today's Globe was about the motions filed by former Webb City High School choir teacher Carrie Njoroge's lawyers Dee Wampler and Benjamin Passinise to have the charge of having sex with a student dismissed.

The lawyers claim that their client had a constitutional right to have sex with the 18-year-old senior because they were consenting adults.

Those who read the Turner Report, a number which apparently includes the Joplin Globe learned about that Wednesday afternoon.

On page five, the lead story in the Police/Court section revealed the news that Tearra Olson, 20, who had earlier been charged with a lesser felony in connection with the death of two-year-old Emalata Hoeft is now also being charged with second degree murder.

That information was first revealed in the Turner Report two days ago.

Any bets on whether the Globe will pick up the information I ran earlier today about C. J. Huff seeing that some of his favored employees received sizable raises just before he "retired" as superintendent?

Considering that the Huff story is a scandal in Joplin and not a Webb City or a Carthage scandal, the odds are you will never read about in the area's newspaper of record. That kind of coverage, after all, would keep the city from "moving forward."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Yep..they are getting all their stories from you now.
