Sunday, December 27, 2015

Newton County prosecutor arrested for DWI

Her arrest was featured on the Inside Joplin blog earlier this month, but it took KOAM News to realize what I didn't- Kathleen Miller, 46, who was cited by the Highway Patrol for driving while intoxicated December 17, is the assistant prosecuting attorney for Newton County.

KOAM posted the following on Thursday:

According to MHP the Jasper County Prosecutor has the case. No charges have been filed against the assistant prosecutor according court records. Due to the Holidays offices to both Newton and Jasper County prosecutors are closed.


  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    So now it's your turn to accept what you've been handing out ! How but 5 yrs probation and 40 hours community service along with loss of license for a year, go to a MADD class, then a SATOP class, let's see..... not so fun when you are on the other end of things huh ???

  2. Wow am I glad I did my research before hiring her. This sealed the deal that she will never represent me. Practice what you preach counselor!!!!
