Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Illinois superintendent hired for Fayetteville post, Huff loses out

(From the Fayetteville, Arkansas Board of Education)

Fayetteville Board of Education Names Dr. Matthew A. Wendt as the New Superintendent

After collectively spending hundreds of hours recruiting applicants, interviewing dozens of leads and references by phone, and spending more than 15 hours in executive session interviewing candidates and discussing their possible fit with Fayetteville, the Fayetteville Board of Education has selected Dr. Matthew A. Wendt to be the next superintendent of the Fayetteville Public Schools. Dr. Wendt is currently the superintendent in Oswego, IL, heading a district of more than 18,000 students. The Fayetteville Board of Education voted unanimously to name Wendt as the new superintendent, pending the successful negotiation of a contract.

The board started with an applicant pool of more than 30 interested school administrators and narrowed the list to six candidates to interview, ultimately interviewing five after one withdrew before the interview was conducted. The initial list included superintendents from around the country, including at least two who had been named superintendent of the year in their respective states.

Board president Tim Hudson stated, “We are fortunate to have had such a strong applicant pool, and I appreciate the work this board did in researching and interviewing candidates. I am especially grateful to our current superintendent, Dr. Paul Hewitt, for his invaluable advice and for helping recruit or recommend a number of the top applicants. The board is confident that in Dr. Wendt we have found a leader who will embrace the district’s strategic plan that is being developed and build on our strengths to take Fayetteville Public Schools to national prominence.”

Dr. Wendt and his wife will visit Fayetteville next week."

Former Joplin R-8 Superintendent C. J. Huff was one of the four finalists for the position.


  1. Anonymous4:39 AM

    It's a good thing Huff was not forced out of retirement

  2. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Boo hoo

  3. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Why is this news in Joplin?

  4. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Because he is a prominent Joplin resident.

  5. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Because Turner has this crazed obsession with Huff. It's turning into more of an ex lovers quarrel at this point. Anytime news gets slow he just types "CJ Huff" to get some traffic. Moron.

  6. Anonymous6:35 PM

    In answer to Anon. 6:14, the only crazed obsession I have seen on the Turner Report comes from the comments of people who don't like Turner. It is a shame that someone else wasn't obsessed with Huff long ago. If the Joplin Globe had done its job when it had the chance, this district would have saved tens of millions of dollars and still have a solid core of veteran teachers, including Turner. CJ Huff still lives in Joplin, is still costing the school district money, is heavily involved in Bright Futures USA, which is connected to many Missouri school districts, and is using his version of the Joplin Tornado story to continue to sell his brand name. The question is not why does Turner keep writing about Huff, the question is why doesn't everyone else? You people have been whining about Turner for years and his readership continues to grow. Go somewhere else and cry about it.

  7. Anonymous8:31 AM

    @ 8:43
    You are either CJ or in the Joplin Progress Committee (the morons who gave us CJ, Rohr, Woolston, and Wallace-Bajjali) and certainly have far less credibility or followers than Turner. The egomaniacal intelligence of of you people can only be compared to Hitler's minions. Keep reading, and enjoy the criticism of your folly for years to come. Good day, moron.
