Tuesday, January 19, 2016

R-8 Board officially hires interim East Middle School principal

In its only action during a January 12 closed session, the Joplin R-8 Board of Education hired former North Middle School Principal Barbara Cox as interim East Middle School principal.

Cox replaces Bud Sexson, who was demoted and will likely spend the remainder of his contract time doing busy work. Sexson had been principal since 2010.

With her new position at East, Cox has now served the district as an assistant principal at South Middle School, principal at North, including one year when North teachers and students were moved to the old South building while North was renovated. This happened while teachers from the old South were moved to East and Memorial became the new South. (You had to be there).


  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I welcome Ms.Cox to East. We needed a LONG OVERDUE CHANGE and it definitely wasn't Mr. Sexton to be the one to get the job done & have our kids best interest in mind.

    I do have a problem, why continue to pay Sexton to do "Busy Work" (basically nothing) Just let him go & save the schools some money!

  2. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I hear Sachetta asked for him to do attendance.
