Friday, February 12, 2016

Cravens named East Middle School principal

(From Joplin Schools)

Joplin Schools is pleased to announce that Jason Cravens has been named the new East Middle School principal. He will begin that position in August 2016. Cravens graduated from Missouri Southern State University with a bachelor's degree in education and earned his master's degree from Pittsburg State University. He taught for two years at College Heights Christian School and for five years at Joplin High School. In 2004, he became an assistant principal at JHS and served in that capacity for six years. In 2010, he moved to administration as director of instructional services and currently serves as executive director of secondary education for Joplin Schools.

"We are excited to have Jason serve as principal at East Middle School," said Joplin Schools Interim Superintendent Dr. Norm Ridder. "His experience as a teacher, assistant principal and district administrator and his understanding of building a culture of continuous improvement make him an ideal choice to lead East Middle School staff and students."

"I look forward to working with the staff, students, and parents at East in my new role," said Cravens. "With the help of our capable and dedicated teachers and staff, we will continue the positive momentum and focus on educational excellence at East."

Barbara Cox currently serves as interim principal for East Middle School. She will continue in that role through the end of the 2015-2016 school year.


  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Who trusts Jason Cravens?

  2. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Will there be a decrease in his bloated salary?

  3. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Was this job ever posted? Should it have been? I'm guessing there are more qualified people who could have had it who didn't have ties to CJ and Angie Besendorfer. This isn't going to build morale at East. Seems like he could've finished his gift of a two-year contract from CJ filing papers in a basement somewhere. Birds of a feather flock together and he was a loyal member of that flock. Sucks to teach at East.

  4. Anonymous7:13 PM

    The big question is whether he can stop worrying about how to style his hair to cover his receding hairline long enough to get anything more done than repeat the Huff mantra. Been a broken record for several years now. Like a damn parrot. Between the hairline issue and picking out his sweater vest every day his schedule is chock full without a building to manage.

    He's had more of the appearance of leadership than the real thing, I'd say.

  5. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I agree with 4:23. He and Tina Smith and Jennifer Doshier all actively participated in the Besendorfer and Huff staff purges. And they are still employed. Ridder is doing nothing to help staff with trust issues with this move. Fire those people or put them in busywork jobs like Sarah Stevens. Don't let them keep working or supervising staff unless you want a lot of us to give up and go.

  6. Anonymous9:50 PM

    In eagerness to chastise anyone who was in administration while Huff was in power, do not lose sight that this is clearly a demotion. He's humble enough to accept that, which says something about his character. They were not all equal.

  7. Jbaldy543:42 AM

    This has nothing to do with this particular story, I would like someone to investigate why the school board is renting out the auditorium at the high school to one of the church's (not for sure which one) to have their sunday services there indefinitely while they look to build a new church. I know it's true I have a family member that works at the high school and they were told by the building engineer that they had to take turns working on Sundays to clean up after the services.

    Since this isn't a school function how can they be forced to work a non school function?
    Also isn't that a violation of church & state? I would think that if you won't let the students & staff practice any type of religion while school is in session then the same should apply when school is not in session as well.

    I also know the building engineer told the custodians the church was paying for them to be there & if they didn't like it they could transfer to another school. I am old school & I don't believe they can force someone to work a non school activity and use BULLYING tactics to do it.

    Thanks for checking

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      The church is probably paying lots of money to rent the auditorium. And the custodians are paid hourly. So if anything is is extra paid work for them. And I am sure the church people are easier to clean up after then the high schoolers. They used to rent out the old high school auditorium pre tornado for all kinds of events. I as a student was paid $50 cash by the drama teacher to man the sound board and lights for these groups. It was a pretty sweet gig for me.

  8. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Bet Cravens, if he has any self-respect, will leave Joplin.

    Time to man up, Jason.

  9. Anonymous5:40 AM


    It should be with humility that he takes the East job since he hasn't been able to find anything else. He's looking. Hard to find a job when you have to own being CJ Huff's right hand man. The staff at East deserves better than this. They already suffered through Bud Sexson. Mr. Cravens is the king of schmooze so he comes off as nice, but he's inept and sometimes mean to folks who don't believe what he does. He can only repeat what he's told to say. He doesn't know how to solve problems. Anytime we asked him anything he could only say he would have to ask SARAH! I hope it just lasts a year or that he can finally find a job somewhere else. We need the Huff people gone and not rearranged.

  10. Anonymous9:14 AM

    3:42--If the church is paying the going rate to rent the facility, it has nothing to do with church/state separation. And cleaning up after a church service is no different than cleaning up after a weekend sports event--the staff is getting paid and it's part of their job description. Stick to real problems...

  11. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Sorry, 6:49, the bloated salary stays for JC just like it did for SS. JD will also get to keep her bloated salary. And then there is Kelli Price. CJ rips 16 grand in stipends out of the hands of teachers who haven't had a raise since his fat butt walked through the door and gives it to Kelli. She sends an email thanking those teachers for all their hard work but she's sorry, those funds just aren't available in the budget anymore. I want to throw something every time I have to read one of her emails. I can only wonder what Tina and Pat got for their loyalty.

    So Jason gets a whole lot more to do his job than the other two middle school principals. And the ignorant programs and ideas that he and Sarah brought are still here. Not a whole hell of a lot is different for the peasants class in the schools. It would help if some of their ideas work, but they sure don't. Kids still aren't learning and still don't behave and teachers are getting written up for dumbass learning intentions and test scores and getting pushed out the door.

    Who would want to teach in Joplin? Not me. I'm out. Counting down the days. They can't offer me enough to spend another year in this town.

  12. Anonymous5:55 PM


    You are correct about the renting out of the auditorium, but your condescending attitude is why no one wants to stay in Joplin. The custodial staff are overworked all week. Anyone who takes that job knows that they have to work extra-curricular activities. But cleaning up after an outsider's event is not extra-curricular. The church should bring its own custodial staff in. For that matter, there is a Methodist church down the street that is closing. Let this group meet there. I would hope storage space at the high school isn't being used for the church. I think there are other places they could meet. How about the AD Bldg auditorium? They would even have Sunday school rooms in that building in the empty classrooms. Having to work Sundays on top of the other days instead of spending the day with family IS a REAL PROBLEM. Just because it isn't YOUR problem doesn't make it trivial.

  13. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Unfortunately, there has not been any news on JD, which is a true disappointment. If Ridder and Koch will continue to talk to former staff members, as they did myself, then then will see that she has NO business being in the position she is in. Honestly, there is no need to continue to keep her on in any capacity. Make her sweat it out like she did sooooooooooooooooo many professional teachers. There is NO ONE that is going to pay her the kind of money ($101,000) that she makes now. She does not deserve to be in that position, Dr. Ridder, please wake up in this matter. Take off the blinders and the sympathetic ears, I know it is easy to feel sorry for her, but please stop. She did not feel one bit sorry for the over 50 professional educators that she took their career away, made their home life miserable and uncomfortable and true professional and outstanding teachers wonder if they even belonged in education.
    Get rid of Weaver too. He is a total panty waste. Wanna talk about someone who does not deserve their position, look no further then Weaver.
    Cravens is a chameleon. He can blend in with anyone, not saying I trust him, but that is what he is. Most weathermen are, they can blend in with any green screen.
    Also, time to dismiss:
    Teri Hart
    Tina Smith
    and anyone sticking up for Huff or that has the same bully mentality.
    WAKE UP SCHOOL BOARD AND LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED YOU IN, GET RID OF THESE PEOPLE. I guarantee if you did a STAFF SURVEY and LISTENED, every person mention in here should be dismissed. I would like this blog to get back on posting her inadequacies, there are plenty.

  14. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Did Ridder or his hired survey man ever ask the teachers at East how they feel about this move? It would be interesting to know. East shouldn't be viewed as a convenient dumping ground for Huff's leftovers. Those students need discipline and consistency. They will get neither from Cravens.

    Cravens needs to move on and get a fresh start somewhere else, if he can even find a place. Joplin is tired of Huff and anyone connected to him.

  15. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Jason Craven cannot be trusted with the safety and well being of any child in any school. Fact, total cover up by him and others back about 5 years ago about sexual misconduct by students at a local school. He took it upon himself to detain, question and condemn innocent students without speaking to or contacting parents first. He is neither fit nor qualified for this post!

  16. I'm posting as Herb Kozak. I surely hope the people posting as anonymous have no involvement with the Joplin School District. Further, I hope none of you teach students in the district.

  17. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Mr. Kozak,
    Until you've lived in the hell that is Joplin Schools, you have no right to judge people protecting themselves through anonymity.
    The teachers are doing their best to teach the students while trying to survive an endless list of programs and initiatives that someone thinks will bring up test scores. Now the district has mostly inexperienced teachers with very few mentors or supports to help them. They have an administration (hopefully, THAT is changing) that is a combination of inexperienced and unqualified yes people who are also trying to survive, but all they know to do is bully.
    Everyone has someone they have offended. These people have gone beyond isolated incidents like that.

  18. Herb Kozak posting as Susan Kozak

    Your candidness is refreshing, Anonymous. But your courage is lacking.
    I can't fathom someone leading a classroom with the attitude you are professing.
    Teaching in Joplin is hell? Then, please, get the hell out of the Joplin School District.

  19. Telly S1:39 PM


    Who loves you, baby?

  20. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Mr. & Mrs. Kozak,
    I can tell you that my attitude is not at all the problem in Joplin. My attitude and professionalism are what makes students continue to learn despite the bullying and unprofessional atmosphere created by Dr. Besendorfer and Dr. Huff.
    Since you are being so candid, how exactly is it that you believe you are better than the teachers who are in the trenches with these students? Why do you believe that teachers should have to live in that kind of atmosphere? The teachers continuing to make learning happen under riduculous circustances should bring on applause.

  21. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Dear Kozaks,

    I know it is difficult to get an accurate view from your sanctimonious perch at the top of the ivory tower, but if you will look closely you will see that getting "the hell out of Joplin" is just exactly what 2/3 of Joplin teachers did, with many more to follow this year. The mess that the Huff administration created makes for an impossible and hostile teaching situation. That his people, Cravens and Doshier (along with many building administrators) are still in place necessitates the use of anonymity. What few of us who might stay can afford to take no risks. Some of us want to stay and fight for our town, but we cannot do that if we are fired, so we must speak anonymously in the only public format that we have. So please, if you can find it within your little grinch hearts to do so, don't serve as judge and jury. Unless, of course, you're going to be willing to teach, because it's getting harder and harder to replace the teachers who leave every year.

  22. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I wonder why Mr. Cravens didn't have to apply and interview for his new job? The TLCs have to do that. Is this a double standard for administrators? If so, then not one single thing has changed in Joplin. So much for equanimity and transparency.

    I will be voting for Musser, Martucci, Rodgers, and Sloan so that we can get stability and fairness in Joplin Schools.

  23. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I think it would be good to remember the difference between TLCs and CLCs. The CLCs were brought in when the high school went to the computers. When I was there they were very helpful and nice. I cannot attest to the TLCs because I never knew one but the complaints about them moving up by spying and being admin pets seemed like they were legitimate. They can't all be painted with the same brush. The question is where do you want to put your money?

  24. Herb Kozak posting.

    Simply, anonymous people vitriolically commenting on their organization in a public forum have absolutely no place being a part of that organization. Stating that teaching in Joplin is impossible and hostile and then continuing to do so is absurd. It is also very, very sad.

  25. Anonymous6:02 PM

    The Kozaks finally got something right---very, very sad.
