Friday, February 12, 2016

Obama budget is irresponsible

(From Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler)

This week President Obama sent his final budget proposal to Congress. And, instead of taking advantage of an opportunity to put forward common sense proposals, the President sounded a call for more government, more taxes, more spending, and more debt. It is a budget proposal that never balances and continues the out-of-control government spending that has become a characteristic of this Administration. While the Obama budget is irresponsible, I can assure you that I will be working with my colleagues on the House Budget Committee to release a budget that addresses the huge debt racked up in the last seven years and puts America on a road to responsible spending. We will deliver a budget that highlights your priorities and does not add even more to the massive $19 trillion debt that threatens our children and grandchildren.

There was some very good news from the United States Supreme Court this week as it issued a stay on the Obama Administration’s regulatory assault on coal. With this ruling, the Supreme Court has validated the concerns expressed from states like Missouri, who would see energy prices skyrocket as a result of the President’s war on coal. The American people must be protected from spiraling energy costs. I applaud the Supreme Court for standing up for mainstream America against the Obama Administration’s executive orders and the overreach of his Environmental Protection Agency.


  1. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Hahahaha....she still releases press notes.

  2. Anonymous9:03 AM

    This twit is nothing more than Billy Long in a dress.

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    As a Republican, she should first pay attention to the debt from the President Bush era and its related interest. There's some making up to do - need revenue to do it. The President Obama years have already been showing decreasing deficits.
