Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Proposed Joplin R-8 calendar for 2016-2017 restores six classroom days

After two years, six of the 10 classroom days that were taken from the Joplin R-8 calendar by former Superintendent C. J. Huff and the Joplin R-8 Board in a futile attempt to live up to Huff's promise that the new Joplin High School would open on time will be restored.

The Joplin R-8 Board of Education is expected to approve a calendar that would bring the district back up to 170 classroom days. Prior to the 2014 change, the district had 174 classroom days. A public hearing will be held 7 p.m. Tuesday, February 23, just before the beginning of the regular board session.

The calendar will then be discussed during the regular session.

Huff's decision to delay the start of school by eliminating 10 student days was controversial since only the high school was not ready for occupancy, but the decision also covered all middle schools and elementary schools. The Joplin schools were able to meet state requirements by adding 10 minutes to each day.

Reportedly, the extra minutes that were added to the school day will continue next year.

The 2016-2017 calendar includes the following:

-School will start on August 18 and end on May 17

-Half-days for students on Halloween and Valentine's Day

-Spring parent/teacher conferences will be moved to mid-February

-170 student contact days

-176 teacher contract days

-Six full-day and two half-day professional development days for teachers


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    So did the start time go back to the old way? If they did we are still losing 4 days of instruction. If they didn't we are gaining 6+ days of instruction? What did they do?

  2. Anonymous6:57 PM

    If they keep the ten minutes then it isn't restoring six days, it's adding six days. Will teachers be paid for that extra contact time? If our sick leave is measured in hours as well as the time we are allowed to work as returning retirees, I would assume that teacher contact time is measured in hours and minutes like school time for students, even if teachers are contracted for total days. I would get rid of the ten minutes or pony up.

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Thank goodness someone realizes that children need more time for instruction. What I do not understand is how long each high school and middle school class will be. If class periods are returned to pre -tornado, pre-Huff days, I do not understand if the district is adding a random 10 minutes to each day or adding the minutes to each class period to restore instruction time to each class. i hope time with teachers in each class is restored because there are teachers who want to teach and need the time to do so.

    Gay Dust - retired English/Spanish teacher
