Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Turner Report needs your help; I need your help

Trying to make a living off blogging is something that only a small percentage of bloggers are able to do. I have been able to do so these past several months because of a number of generous contributions, some loyal subscribers, a small amount of monthly advertising revenue, steady, but not incredibly lucrative book sales and a meager pension from my time as a teacher.

For a time, that was enough for me to either break even or lose a small amount per month, and a few months I was able to make a decent profit.

For the past few months, the amounts have gradually decreased and as a result of my recent health problems, I now have more expenses. My insurance is good, but it does not cover everything and though I will be able to make payments on what I owe, that still will carving out another chunk of the money each month and either decreasing the profits or increasing the deficits.

I hesitated to write this because it is tiresome to see the haters begin commenting about my begging for handouts or making snide comments about why should people bother to pay for something they are getting for free.

The simple fact is that a small number of subscribers have loyally continued to support the Turner Report. With more than 5,000 daily readers for the Turner Report, close to 5,000 a day for Inside Joplin and between 2,000 and 3,000 each day for Inside Joplin Obituaries. If even one-tenth of those readers subscribed, whether for a year at $30 or  monthly for $3, my problems would be resolved.

I might be able to collect more subscriptions by saying that the Turner Report/Inside Joplin blogs might have to shut down if they do not receive more support, but that is not something I have even considered. The Turner Report has been published since October 2003 and Inside Joplin and Inside Joplin Obituaries since late 2013.

Since its inception, Inside Joplin Obituaries has printed more than 3,300 obituaries, including some that never appeared in the Joplin Globe. Grieving family members do not have to pay a cent for this service since it is news. The blog is also searchable.

Inside Joplin has been the workhorse blog, featuring records material- police arrests, sheriff's department arrests, marriage licenses, dissolutions, Highway Patrol DWI arrests, Missouri Southern and Crowder College news, road closings, school announcements, and other news, all on one site.

The Turner Report, meanwhile, has continued to offer investigative reporting, courts coverage, commentary and provided a voice for those who have been left out by the Joplin Globe's focus on the interests (and the bias) of an elite few in the community.

This blog not only has provided a voice, but has also acted as a force for change in Joplin. Without the Turner Report, C. J. Huff might still be Joplin R-8 superintendent. This blog was the first to write about Wallace Bajjali's sordid record of bankruptcies and SEC investigations- even before the city hired the master developer in 2012.

It also was the first news source to really dig into the contents of the Loraine Report and the unethical actions of former City Councilman Mike Woolston.

This week, the blog featured coverage of Joplin area news that was ignored by other media. The Globe is not likely to write about the impending departure of Joplin R-8 COO Tina Smith and unless, I missed it, the Turner Report was the only source to reveal that the company that owns Northpark Mall is being investigated by the FBI and the SEC.

And yes, I will keep track of how much money Billy Long spends in Vegas, at least the amount that he uses from his campaign account.

Besides, would you rather pay $200 a year for the Joplin Globe or pay $30 a year (or $3 a month) to help the Turner Report/Inside Joplin to keep growing and continue to be an irritant to the area's newspaper of record.

That is the end of my spiel (And isn't it about time?). Give it some thought. If you would like to subscribe, there is a button you can use at the bottom of this post. If you wish to contribute a larger amount or a smaller amount you can use the "Donate" button below.

For those who would prefer not to use PayPal or a credit card, you can mail your subscription money or contribution to: Randy Turner, 2306 E. 8th, Joplin, MO 64801.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Payment Options
Support the Turner Report


  1. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Randy, you have consistently provided a credible source of news as well as obituaries that unfortunately have not been provided by our biased and greedy local newspaper. Without the Turner report, it would have been nearly impossible to know what was truly going on within the school district and the city. Let's face it, under the Huff reign, a few self-promoting Egos had a stranglehold control of our taxpayer dollars and were selfishly looking out for themselves and their cronies. (Kickbacks? Bribes? Contracts awarded in exchange for Favors?) These Huffy snobs erroneously think they are smarter than the voters and look down their noses at hard working teachers who are sacrificing to provide a decent education for the children. The small minded Egos talked a good game (Bright Futures) but in reality most of them were only thinking "what's in it for Me?" and could care less about the Kids or the Voters. The Egos do not want the community to have facts because they truly think we are not "smart enough" to provide any input on how our children are educated or how our tax $$ is spent. Thank you, Randy for all of your hard work. It has not been easy the past few years. The Egos are not happy when anyone dares question them or their motives. Never again Huffy people, never again. Sending my donation.

  2. A Subscriber10:58 AM

    Randy, you are appreciated!
    Come on, folks, let's show our thanks by helping in time of need. That's who we are, right?

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I look at it like this: Randy is willing to investigate and publish the news for free. He is fair and unbiased (most of the time :) ). I can get any news I want- sports, obituaries, schools news, local news, national/state news- any news- without paying an outrageous subscription to one of the local papers. I am proud to make an annual subscription (it is almost renewal time). The way I see it, Randy saves me tons of money AND the comments provide lots of entertainment! Win- Win!
    Thank you Randy!
