Thursday, July 28, 2016

Eagle-Picher calls in police, extra security as it makes second big layoff in two months

Following the same practice used when the company laid off 90 employees in late May, Eagle Picher in Joplin has hired extra security and has Joplin Police at the plant as it executes what appears to be an even bigger layoff today.

Company officials told KZRG they would release more information later today.

A Facebook posts from one laid off worker who worked at EP for six years indicates the worker received only two weeks of severance pay, while a 30-year veteran received seven weeks of severance pay.

One thing the workers had in common was being escorted out of the building by security.


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    This is why I cannot stand the American elite! The 1% doesn't see employees as people, they see them as pawns. And if those pawns are in the way of making a large play for themselves, it means nothing to cleat the board of them. This is exactly why I supported Bernie Sanders and now Hillary Clinton.

  2. So how is that voting out the union
    working for you all now ?

  3. Anonymous9:54 PM

    @12:42 Please explain to everyone how Hillary is not in the "American Elite". How any Bernie supporter could have the lack of character to support Hillary is beyond me!
