Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Graves: Why I introduced the Stop Taxing the 2nd Amendment Act

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

Anti-gun politicians aren't shy about using a crisis to push their agenda down all of our throats.

We see it over and over again in Washington. After every terrorist attack or national tragedy, they are there to jump on the opportunity.

But from Chicago to Los Angeles and Seattle, local lawmakers are also working to trample on the constitutional rights of law-following American citizens. And they are finding creative ways to do it.

Over the last few years, all of these cities have threatened new taxes on ammo and other firearm accessories as a way to prevent people from buying and owning guns.

That's why I introduced the Stop Taxing the Second Amendment Act earlier this month. My bill will end the threat we see creeping into communities across the country. It blocks all local lawmakers from using taxes or fees as a way to put gun ownership out of financial reach in Missouri.

These taxes are designed solely to prevent people from buying and owning guns in this country. That’s unacceptable. And I will not stand by and watch people trample on our gun rights and the Constitution.


  1. It's funny how Republicans support local control until they don't.

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    And yet you expect our Police Officers to patrol our streets often out gunned and with the full knowledge that the criminals can buy ammunition that can easily penetrate the vests they are issued. It is time people like this twit wakes up, forgets the gun platitudes and gets the damned assault rifles and high capacity clips off our streets. Dead Cops are on your bloody hands Mr. Graves.

  3. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Hey, hey NRA,
    How many Cops did you kill today?

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      You must be someone who is not allowed to buy a gun.

  4. Anonymous3:39 AM

    And yet you expect our Police Officers to patrol our streets often out gunned and with the full knowledge that the criminals can buy ammunition that can easily penetrate the vests they are issued.

    Which is any centerfire ammo besides 5.7×28mm; thanks for letting us know you don't want us to own any rifles shooting something more potent than .22LR.

    And, yes, I do expect them to, as they did before the development of soft body armor, back when they were Peace Officers instead of whatever you want to call them today.

    Meanwhile, you want to take our "damned assault rifles and high capacity clips†" away, are you volunteering for the job?

    † Using clip vs. magazine shows us you know nothing about this topic but the platitudes you accuse us of; 3rd Law, SJWs always project.

  5. Anonymous3:43 AM

    It's funny how Republicans support local control until they don't.

    When it comes to enforcing a Constitutionally enumerated right that also touches their enumerated duties in the Constitution itself, certainly. Would you support confiscatory taxes on high capacity assault laser printers, i.e. the standard office type with a high speed and duplex printing capability? Would it be bad for the Congress to stop states from infringing on the 1st Amendment in such a way?

  6. Anonymous6:41 PM

    It is just a matter of time and a bunch more dead people but those weapons are going to be taken off the street. The first step will be taking the ammunition off the market and then the actual ban will be enforced.
