Thursday, July 07, 2016

Joplin businessman Humphreys contributes $1 million to Hawley

Attorney general candidate Josh Hawley received a giant boost to his campaign today, thanks to a $1 million contribution from TAMKO CEO David Humphreys, according to a 48-hour report filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission.

The oversized contribution is the second Humphreys has given Hawley this year. Ethics Commission records indicates Hawley received $500,000 from him on May 2.

Hawley, a law professor and national appellate lawyer, is facing Sen. Kurt Schaefer in the Republican primary. The winner will face either Cass County Prosecutor Teresa Hensley or former State Rep. Jake Zimmerman, who are running for the Democratic nomination, in November.


  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    And people STILL think that donations like this don't come with perks. I wonder how much a million plus will get him in return?

    1. Don't be ridiculous. What possible benefit could a large company, subject to environmental, employer, and other costly regulations receive from a bought-and-paid for top state law enforcer?

      I mean really!

  2. I'm just miffed that he and the Candy House people couldn't agree on the dollars it would take to keep it open. :(

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Humphreys supports Hawley for Attorney General, even though he has no courtroom experience, he represented "the American Taliban" terrorist, and has no problem representing enemies of our country. Is this what Humphreys finds worthy of 1.5 million dollars? Too bad he couldn't donate that money to a homeless shelter for Joplin, instead of pissing it off on someone he can control that will abuse his authority of office to benefit Humphreys.

  4. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I'm grateful Humphreys made this donation--now I'm absolutely sure I won't be voting for Hawley.

  5. kitty it was terry's daughter who would not let the deal go thru she wanted more of that Humprhery money than he was willing to give and he said piss on it

  6. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Hawley publicly states, that he will take on the "liberals" as attorney general. Is this what Humphreys wants, to take on liberals, is this why he gives a candidate running for attorney general over a million dollars? Liberals are not the problem, and to support a candidate's mission to fight liberals and not do the real work of an attorney general is anti-American. That is what David Humphreys supports, anti-American activities.
