Thursday, July 28, 2016

Text provided for Claire McCaskill speech at Democratic National Convention

(Sen. Claire McCaskill and other women senators just finished making short speeches for nominee Hillary Clinton moments ago. Following is the text of McCaskill's speech.)

We all know that Hillary is the most knowledgeable, most experienced, most capable leader to run for president in a long time. But here's something you may not know: Earlier this year, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, Hillary called me to check in not once, but several times. She asked me how my treatments were going, she told me to keep up the fight. Her words gave me strength during one of the toughest tests of my life. She didn't do it because I was a senator. There are thousands of people across this country who could tell the exact same story.

That's Hillary. She has the intelligence. She has the work ethic. But most importantly, she has heart to lead this country.


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    If Hillary is president you will see the birth of the party of the socialist.

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Well it is about time America caught up with the rest of the industrialized world.

  3. Anonymous2:39 PM

    @. 12:40

    Do you disapprove of the socialist public school system, how about the socialist security checks we provide elderly citizen? Our country can handle limited socialist programs. We cannot handle Trump's ignorance leading our nation.

  4. Anonymous2:40 PM

    @. 12:40

    Do you disapprove of the socialist public school system, how about the socialist security checks we provide elderly citizen? Our country can handle limited socialist programs. We cannot handle Trump's ignorance leading our nation.

  5. Anonymous12:57 AM

    12:40 PM--
    Stop worrying about socialism right now. Look up "fascism" in the dictionary, and then read a book or two about the Spanish Civil War and how exactly Hitler rose to power in Germany. Spend a little time learning about fascism, and then you really will have something to worry about, considering Trump and his campaign.

    If the rest of us want something to worry about, we could start with Trump's admiration for ex-KGB Putin, Trump's saying he wouldn't necessarily support NATO in the face of Russian aggression in Europe, Trump's campaign director's financial ties to Russia and his relationships with pro-Putin Russian leaders. And then there's the one plank in the Republican platform that the Trump campaign insisted be changed. Look it up. It concerns Russia, and it's more than troubling, to say the least.

  6. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Well, after all, Trump's daddy was Hungarian and he is married to a Slovak. Maybe the first order of business is to see if he can even qualify for a Security Clearance.

  7. Anonymous10:27 AM

    This may or may not matter, but Melania Trump's father was a member of the Communist party for years. I don't know if he still is or not. I'm not cynical enough to believe that Trump would act as a mole for Russian intelligence and deliberately turn over state secrets, but he's impulsive. Who knows what he might mention to whom or blurt out at a rally or in an interview. Also, Trump being Trump, I'm sure he would find a way to personally profit, now or later, from American intelligence. The ultimate in insider trading.

    I've been wondering if Trump's pro-Russia stance is part of a back-up plan, if he's hedging his bets by courting Putin now so that if he loses the election, he can make some great business deals in Russia, which he's been trying to do for years. Whatever he's doing in regard to Russia, it's shameful and dangerous. When's the last time an American presidential candidate praised a dictator, one whose enemies routinely disappear? The answer is never. Running for president shouldn't be a business strategy, and national security shouldn't be on the table in negotiating a good deal for the candidate.

  8. Anonymous12:45 PM

    If Trump is elected, the smart money is betting that he will never take office.

  9. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I've heard that. It's also been said that if it turns out to be in his financial interests, he would find some face-saving reason to withdraw from the race. No way does he plan to lose money on this deal!

    And he's already made a tidy profit. After making a big to-do about not being bought because he was self-funding his campaign, he didn't put any of his own money into it.Through his business, he loaned money to the campaign, and then paid himself back with donations to the campaign. I don't know if he collected interest on the loan or loans or not, but I can't imagine that he didn't. Then in running his campaign, various Trump businesses, including one that belongs to one of his sons, was hired by the campaign to provide services to the campaign and were then paid out of campaign fund donations.

    Most people know nothing about any of this. I was in a tire shop recently, waiting in the lobby, and heard a man, really sincere, explaining to a woman there that she should vote for Trump because he's spending his own money to get elected. The self-funding story is just another con, but a lot of people have fallen for it and really believe it.
