Friday, October 07, 2016

Billy Long spends two extra days in Vegas to speak at Donald Trump rally

Billy Long did not head home to Missouri or to Washington, D. C. after his Weekend in Vegas fundraiser ended October 3.

Long stayed in Las Vegas and Nevada at least two more days, including a stint as a featured speaker before Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's rally in Henderson, Nevada, October 5.

The story is told on the Twitter accounts of Long and a reporter who covered the event.

The reporter notes that while Billy Long spoke for Trump, not one elected official from Nevada did the same.

Big Crowd gathering here in Henderson where I'll deliver remarks before our next President speaks

Henderson 's finest helping out at the rally including Bobby Long on my left. 2nd Cousin maybe?

MO congressman now speaking at Henderson Trump rally. No NV congressional/senate candidates here

The goes wild as the next President of the United States takes the stage.


  1. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Trump Pence 2016
    Make America Grope Again!

  2. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Does anyone remember Billy Long's "stripper moment" in Springfield a few years ago?

  3. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Birds of a feather will flock together. That's why Trump's supporters cling to him so tightly. The flock has a rooster that likes to hear his own crowing. What a scary bunch of people.
