Friday, October 21, 2016

Billy Long: We are a nation of laws, not executive actions

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

This summer, the Supreme Court of the United States heard United States v. Texas. This case involved the executive actions President Obama took on immigration policy that was later challenged by 26 states, including Texas.

In 2014, Obama expanded his executive actions on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and added a new program, Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA). These programs would have allowed almost 4 million additional undocumented immigrants deportation relief as well as work permits.

With both the U.S. District Court, based in Brownsville, Texas, and the Fifth Circuit Court, they both said that the administration’s request to start implementing the expansion of DACA and implementation of DACA would not be granted. This case later went on to the Supreme Court of the United States, where there was a 4-4 decision. With the decision being a tie, that meant that the lower court’s decision would be upheld.

The Obama administration once again, after the Supreme Court decision this summer, tried to have the case reheard. In October of this year the Supreme Court denied that request.

I applaud the Supreme Court for their decision this summer and for denying the administration’s request to have this case reheard.

We live in a country of laws, not executive actions.

As a Congressman, my main concern is the people of the 7th District of Missouri and their safety. We can’t continue to have the executive branch sidestep the legislative branch by using executive actions. Congress makes the laws, not the other way around.

By the executive branch taking these egregious actions, this only hurts the chances of immigration reform passing and creates distrust between the American people and the government.

I believe we need immigration reform, but allowing these executive actions to stand could set a dangerous precedent and establish an immigration system that does not secure the border and protect the American people.

Securing the border must take place first, but the president doesn’t seem to understand that.

My hope is that eventually the executive actions will be found unconstitutional. We can’t continue to let the executive branch make the laws. A message needs to be sent to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and that message is that Congress will be the ones that take action.

1 comment:

  1. Spot on Congressman Billy, and God Bless you, and God Bless America!
