Monday, October 17, 2016

Former Webb CIty superintendent named to Joplin R-8 post

(From Joplin Schools)

Joplin Schools is pleased to announce that Dr. Ron Lankford will serve as interim human resources director for the district. Dr. Lankford has served Missouri students for 43 years as a teacher, principal, superintendent, and, most recently, as the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s deputy commissioner of education for financial and administrative services. He has worked in the Harrisburg school district, East Newton school district, and retired after 39 years with the Webb City school district, 12 of those years as superintendent. He spent the last six years with DESE, retiring from that position in June of this year.

"I am excited that Dr. Lankford will share his vast experience and expertise in education and leadership with our district in this interim position," said Dr. Norm Ridder, interim superintendent for Joplin Schools. "We share a similar philosophy of empowering students, teachers, and our leadership to better engage all learners and to better support our classrooms. He will help fill a vital role as we transition to new district leadership."

Once the Board of Education selects the next superintendent, the new superintendent will participate in the process to fill the HR director position permanently. Dr. Lankford began his duties October 17 and will office at the administration building.


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    This has trouble written all over it

  2. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Dr Lankford will be wonderful in that position. Webb City didn't get to where they are just because of our football team. They have wonderful administrators thanks to our school board. What a blessing for Joplin R8. I attended schools in Joplin 12 years and moved my children to Webb so I am vested in both cities. 8 wish nothing but wonderful things for Joplin.

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    A great man. Very well qualified. And all sorts of other praise for him. Seriously. No sarcasm intended.
    However..........I have to question the logic of hiring a man who is ready to retire. Happy medium people. Not so young that they don't have the sense that experience gives and not so far along in their career, that they could decide at any moment, that they no longer have to put up with this crap!

  4. Anonymous1:33 PM

    What happened to the lawyer they just hired to do this job?

  5. Buzz Ball2:09 PM

    11:48 the job is INTERIM which means temporary. So he will not get up and leave. Dr. Lankford is a dedicated and talented educator who knows his stuff inside and out. And 11:02, why does this have trouble written all over it? When you make a statement, please back it up.

  6. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Well, I believe the "GLOB" just scooped you on this one. I read it there before your repost....and yes I checked to see if you had it. With uncle Ronnie....pulling in an educators retirement, DESE retirement and now pulling in even more taxpayer money with this salary, whatever that is. It's all about the Benjamin's with RL, always has been.

  7. This gentleman is not old; that's just jealousy from a young punk with little experience. People live longer these days many perform better than any anywhere.
    Does anyone remember Captain Stully and the miracle landing on the Hudson.
    BTW, Sir, Congratulations, good luck, and I am sure you will do an excellent job.

    Harvey HUTCHINSON, Jasper County

  8. To Anonymous 2:28- I did not treat this as a scoop. I tip my hat to the Globe. It is certainly a feather in the Globe's cap, when its large staff is able to publish information before I get my hands on it.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      ....which is most of the time.

  9. Randy, I'm glad to see this information on your blog, I don't read the Glob. So, basically to me it is news. Thank you.

  10. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Joplin Schools got a great leader in Dr. Langford. There is no more experienced school leader in the state. Too bad it is temporary but at least he will be a great asset for awhile.
