Monday, December 26, 2016

Gov. Nixon pardons 12, including Jasper County man

(From Gov. Jay Nixon)

Gov. Jay Nixon announced that he has granted pardons to 12 individuals, each of whom has completed their sentence and become a law-abiding citizen. To date, the Governor has granted 88 pardons and commuted the sentences of three incarcerated offenders, for a total of 91 acts of clemency. Those granted pardons today are:

John Baker, who completed a five-year term of probation after being convicted of sale of cocaine in 1992 in Camden County. Baker has maintained gainful employment and serves as a mentor for troubled youth.

Michael Sullwold, who completed a five-year term of probation for two counts of sale of marijuana in 1982 in Buchanan County. Sullwold recently retired after 30 years of service at the Missouri Department of Mental Health. 

Mark Stroud, who was discharged early from a five-year term of probation after being convicted of sale of marijuana in 1996 in Lewis County. Stroud has maintained gainful employment.

James Medley, who completed a three-year term of probation after being convicted of possession of marijuana in 1985 in Greene County. Medley has maintained gainful employment and is active in his church. 

David McCarthy, who completed a two-year term of probation for receiving stolen property in 1979 in Howell County. McCarthy has maintained gainful employment in the logging industry.
Eugene Atterberry, who completed a five-year term of probation after being convicted of burglary and stealing in 1970 in Texas County. Atterberry retired in 2012 after 30 years of service in the Department of Defense. 

Malta Stepp, Jr., who served 14 months in the Department of Corrections for Burglary in 1969 in Stoddard County. Stepp, a Vietnam veteran, resides in Arkansas and maintained gainful employment before retiring in 2012.

Jeffrey Hargrove, who served four months in the Department of Corrections and received a five-year term of probation for receiving stolen property in 1999 in Buchanan County. Hargrove has since received his Master’s Degree and maintains gainful employment.

Bernard Curtis, who served three months in the Department of Corrections and received a one-year term of probation after being convicted of second-degree burglary in 1980 in St. Louis City. Curtis has maintained gainful employment.

Donnie Yantis, who completed a two-year term of probation for possession of a controlled substance in 1990 in Shelby County. Yantis owns an excavating business and cattle farm.

Granger Layman, who completed a six-month term of probation for stealing in 1997 in Jasper County. Layman has maintained gainful employment and works in the meat-packing industry.
Richard Crow, who was discharged early from a five-year term of probation after pleading guilty to sale of a controlled substance in 1974 in St. Louis County. Crow has maintained gainful employment in the real estate industry.

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