Thursday, December 08, 2016

Humphreys family contributes $1 million to Josh Hawley

(CORRECTION: The original version of this post said that David Humpheys contributed $100,000 to Rep. Mike Cierpiot. The correct total is $50,000 and the post has been changed to reflect that. I apologize for the error.)

On the last day before new Missouri campaign contribution limits go into effect, Joplin businessman David Humphreys and his sister Sarah Atkins contributed $1 million to attorney-general election Josh Hawley, with each giving $500,000.

Humphreys contributed an additional $400,000 to four legislators with Senate President Pro Tem Ron Richard, R-Joplin, Senate Majority Leader Mike Kehoe, R-Jefferson City, Rep. Holly Rehder, R-Sikeston, and $50,000 to House Majority Leader Mike Cierpiot, R-Lee's Summit.

Rehder, the only recipient who is not in the upper levels of legislative leadership, has pre-filed a right to work bill.

The campaign contribution limits, which were approved by Missouri voters November 8, are being challenged in federal court.


  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Wish they would let voters decide Missouri policies instead of buying politicians that will enact laws that further their business interests. It is a proven fact that Right to Work laws have reduced the wages of ALL employees in states where such business friendly laws have been passed. Everyone has the right to work in any state in the union, the laws are passed to bust unions, which in turn reduce prevailing wage laws which ensure a fair wage is paid to workers.

    If you think you can raise a family on minimum wage, or $15 per hour for that matter, you are sorely mistaken, unless both parents are working and without misfortune of any sort. Humphreys did not buy this law for thebenefit of the residents of Missouri, he bought it to put more money in his pocket. The simple answer is usually the correct one. For the uninformed, watch your wages drop within the next two years by at least 5-10%. Follow the money...

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Absolutely not a "proven fact" RTW reduces wages (such a 1940 term, "wages")

    Apply common sense - union membership is plummeting. If unions were so awesome, wouldn't membership be rising?

    It doesn't take a supergenius to notice that states like Michigan (MICHIGAN!) are now RTW.

    Unions served a purpose. So did steamships, whale oil and wagon trains.

  3. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Just think what a million dollar contribution to a local homeless shelter would mean. Somehow I think this family has a set of confused priorities.

  4. Anonymous8:10 AM


    You are obviously not a union member, but think you are a supergenius (which is not even a word, btw) and claim Union memvpbership is declining because they are not awesome. I retired at 58 years old with my home paid off, with a pension and insurance. What has McDonald's done for you? Unions provide the training that the Department of Labor bases its requirements on to certify quality work on Nuclear Power, and other work you are probably unqualified to talk about as well. I'm sorry you are unable to google the fact that RTW reduces wages, keep trying. You claim Michigan going RTW is the stalwart for reason? Unions serve more purposes than your ignorance can comprehend, do you really believe Humphreys and the Legislature are working on your behalf? What little world do you live in?

  5. Anonymous8:13 AM

    If the rat can read:

  6. 740..they are generous to many.....

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    they are generous to many.....

    The same was said about Al Capone and Pablo Escobar.

  8. Anonymous11:17 AM

    8:10 - Thank you for responding. I'll take a few of your questions in the spirit of community and good will.

    What has McDonald's done for me? The McRib is delicious. Love the fries too. Have you ever tried the fries inside a quarter pounder? Highly recommend. Also good to dip into a chocolate shake.

    Supergenius was memorably used by Wile E. Coyote. If you believe it's not a word, your beef is with Warner Brothers, not me.

    You provide one data point (yourself!) regarding the cratering numbers of union members. I'm sincerely happy for you and hope enjoy a long and healthy retirement. But, facts are stubborn things. Union membership is in a death spiral.

    Very sorry that you seem to think I'm "unqualified" for certain work. Fortunately, I have found gainful employment. You're correct - I'm not in a union nor do I ever want to be - unless to covertly decertify. Oooooh. That would be a hoot. #Idea

    And, of course, we can trade links all day...

    I find it unfortunate that you've chosen to make such a significant number of disparaging comments about my intellect, job experience and ... McDonald's (What the hell, man?). Unfortunately, it's typically of the thuggish behavior and coercion typical from unions.

    Individual freedom is a glorious concept. Employees, employers and states are embracing union-free workplaces across the nation. It's the future, sir.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Merry Christmas!

  9. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Humphreys purchase of legislators to bring RTW laws to Missouri will help in the same way as our legislators recent decision to allow anyone 18 years old or more without a felony conviction to carry a concealed weapon. What friggin' brilliance displayed by those elected and those wealthy enough to purchase legislation.

  10. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Well Hell, if you are going to let them carry a weapon at 18, you might as well let them purchase alcohol and drink at 18. Hey, there is no greater fun than a drunk kid shooting up the neighborhood.

  11. Anonymous4:54 PM

    @ 11:17

    Nice to see you could break away from your cartoon shows, put the McRib down and communicate. My opinion of a slob that wants the rights work in a union and receive the benefits from it without paying dues is extremely low. That is exactly what RTW law does, you already have the right to work, you slobs just want the benefits without paying the dues. Are you on government benefits as well? You have no understanding of the history how your 40 hot week can to be, enjoy repeating it again. Happy Kwanzaa to you, freeloader.
