Thursday, January 19, 2017

Attorney General Hawley sues Obama Administration over new energy regulations

(From Attorney General Josh Hawley)

Attorney General Josh Hawley today announced that Missouri has sued the Obama Administration over regulations that will drive energy costs up for Missouri families. The suit alleges that regulations promulgated by the Department of the Interior on December 20, 2016 affecting coal mining overstep agency authority and violate federal law.

“The Obama Administration has no authority to issue these regulations,” Hawley said. “They will drive up the cost of energy for Missouri families and hurt Missouri workers. I promised to protect working families in our state, and I will.”

The suit, Ohio et al v. Department of the Interior, claims that the regulations promulgated by the Interior Department’s Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement exceed the office’s statutory authority and violate Missouri’s prerogatives under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act.

“These draconian regulations by the Obama Administration are exactly the kind of federal overreach that is holding Missouri’s economy back. They are contrary to law. And this office will fight them to defend the people of Missouri,” Hawley said.


  1. Anonymous3:19 PM

    So it begins, the undoing...

  2. Anonymous3:27 PM

    OK, so the Obama administration will no longer exist after tomorrow afternoon, so why is our new AG suing the administration. Welcome to our F--KED up politics. I'm sure this is costing the taxpayers money that this state does not have~~

  3. Anonymous7:51 PM


    Paint, gasoline,pipes.

    Make America great again...

  4. 327...truth is federal government's policies under President Obama are costing taxpayers/workers enormous amounts.Hawley is doing what he said he would do!

  5. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Concerned citizen, right on!!! There's a new President thank God, now it's time to undo all the damage Obama and his ilk have done to our country..
