Monday, January 16, 2017

Greitens announces $146.4 million in spending cuts

(From Gov. Eric Greitens)

Today, Governor Eric Greitens announced $146.4 million of spending restrictions constitutionally required to balance Missouri's budget. Missouri's budget is suffering from reduced revenue due to poor economic growth. That revenue is being drained by special interest tax credits and the faster-than-projected growth in healthcare expenditures, driven in part by the national impact of Obamacare.

These restrictions are an initial step towards fiscal responsibility. Over the next 18 months, over $700 million in budget cuts will be necessary just to make the budget balance and retain Missouri's AAA credit rating.

Despite the dismal situation inherited from the previous administration, Governor Greitens reiterated his commitment to funding Missouri families' priorities like K-12 education and public safety. "Not a single penny will be taken out of K-12 classrooms," Greitens promised in a social media video accompanying the announcement.

The restrictions announced include no cuts to the Foundation Formula that funds K-12 classroom education. There were no cuts to programs essential to public safety, and all of the state's pension and health care obligations will also be honored. The restrictions were targeted, to the extent possible, at rolling back earmarks, new spending items, programs with no established track record of success, and services that are duplicated elsewhere in government.

"You elected me because I’ll always tell it like it is, and more hard choices lie ahead. But as Missourians, I believe that we must come together, tighten our belts, be smart and wise with our tax dollars, and work our way out of this hole by bringing more jobs with higher pay to the people of Missouri," said Governor Greitens

Greitens also reiterated that the answer to the dire budget situation is smaller government and an improved private-sector economy, "I do not believe the answer to unwise budgeting is to raise taxes on hardworking families who are struggling just to make it by. The answer is simple: government must become more efficient, and we must build a thriving economy with more jobs and higher pay."

Additional details on the spending restrictions are linked here. Governor Greitens will detail his plans to reduce government waste and grow the economy during his State of the State address tomorrow.


  1. Good job Governor; you'll make Missouri great again!!

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      I'm curious if you have any other hobbies, besides being conservative troll. Do you wake every morning and make a conscious decision not to get a clue? Is it really that difficult for you to think for yourself? Do you only get pleasure from making ignorant comments online, in between watching Matlock and having your racist, misogynist, bigoted, etc. Views confirmed by Fox News and Breitbart? If you're going to continue to drain SSI and medicare, atleast grow a brain and realize that they phony fiscal conservatives you worship are about to pull the rug out from under you and everyone else that voted for them. I'll be watching with anticipation, while you get shafted by the people you are currently cheering on.

  2. Anonymous6:17 AM

    When is it a good idea to cut higher education?

  3. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Missouri will be winning the Sham Brownquack way!

  4. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Harvey, you midguided backwoods rock farmer, Missouri has always been the armpit of the Nation and will always be the armpit of the Nation. Partially that is because Missouri does not fund education and we end up being guided by the idiots our schools produce.

  5. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Wow. Lots of hostility from the left lately. Breathe normally, folks...

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Lol. Pot meet kettle.

  6. Anonymous11:53 AM

    You haven't seen hostility yet. Trump may be your President but he ain't my President. You got him because this Country really never implemented the "One Man, One Vote" principle laid down by our own Supreme Court in 1960. Yeah that is right, fifty-seven years ago. I know we are backward but hell, fifty-seven years and we still are getting a President that the majority of voters did not vote for. So we will fight every measure he proposes and laugh every time he gets caught with his hands in the wrong place and file lawsuits every time he tries to raid the public coffers. Remember that old saying, "If I ever catch you in a mudhole, I am going to step on your head", well you better damn well believe it is true.

  7. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Randy, I thought you were blocking direct personal attacks in the comments. I disagree with Harvey often, but there should be a line in the sand.

  8. Details Matter6:55 AM

    In case you missed what 6:17 was referencing:

    21 DHE Various Community Colleges - Core Funding (11,858,773)
    22 DHE Various Four-Year Institutions - Core Funding (55,919,028)

  9. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Higher education trains teachers, computer programmers, and other white collar positions. We are in a new age where education is needed for higher paying jobs. Education is a way out of poverty.

    Once again, I repeat, when is a good time to cut higher education?
