Saturday, January 28, 2017

Greitens: Partnership with Trump administration will bring more, higher-paying jobs to Missouri

(From Gov. Eric Greitens)

Today, Governor Eric Greitens met with Vice President Mike Pence in the White House to discuss what the Trump-Pence Administration can do to help take Missouri in a new direction with more jobs and higher pay.

In a Facebook post following the visit, Governor Greitens said, "Today, I met with my friend, Vice President Mike Pence, to talk about the challenges facing Missouri and what we can do, together, to help people. The Trump-Pence administration understands that our state needs quality jobs again, and they are ready to partner in our success. They also understand the damage that Obamacare is doing to our families and our state's budget, and they promised that relief is on its way. I know that with a strong partnership between the White House and the Governor's office, we can take our state in a new direction with more jobs, higher pay, safer streets, and better schools for all Missourians."


  1. Anonymous11:12 AM

    How about bringing our driver's licenses up to code with the Feds, then we can fly on commercial aircraft like the rest of the country. Now you're talking about giving us the "Right to Work" for less money. You've already given us the right for any booger eating moron in Missouri without a felony the rights carry concealed weapons without any knowledge of gun safety. Greitens has no ideas, he is just following Sam Brownback's policies that have left Kansas schools without funding.

  2. This is terrific for both our Governor's initiative, and the Trump-Pence team to be concerned about our State. We're on the right track!!

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  3. Anonymous7:02 AM

    A "right to work" question. Will police and firefighter unions in Missouri be subjected to the "right to work" laws?

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Clarification 11:22 post....MO DLS are valid for US commercial flights through 1/21/18.

  5. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Don't forget Oklahoma and how their republican led legislature and governor led them into massive deficits and schools without teachers. Seems like they have a perfect plan for Devos to take over the Midwest if nothing else. Too bad these leaders don't have to send their kids to public schools as a requirement to hold office. At least those kids in that school would have protection from gun wielding nuts that will abound now in Missouri. Maybe all kids should have guns and if not they get one when going into classroom. Never know when a teacher will go off the deep end having to deal with nutty parents and unruly kids. Many teachers can tell you horror stories of kids hitting them or refusing to do classwork and getting away with it.

  6. Anonymous8:26 AM

    @ 7:02

    Because firefighters and police unions typically vote conservatively they are not tarted, by solely Republican sought, right to work laws. Both of these union's support is highly desired by these politicians. Teachers and most other public and private sector unions are the political targets. The sole reason is to lower wages for all employees, union and non-union, to "promote" business interests.

  7. Anonymous10:15 AM

    @8:26 Do you mean that since Republican politicians seek police and firefighter unions endorsements - that these unions are not subject to the "right to work laws" in Missouri? Shouldn't the "right to work laws" in Missouri be applied "across the board" to all unions?

    If police and firefighter unions are exempt from Missouri "right to work laws" - aren't the Republican politicians being "hypocritical?

  8. Anonymous11:24 AM

    @ 10:15

    What's good for the goose isn't good for the gander. Republicans fear losing police and firefighters support. Less than 10% of Missouri workers are employees of unions, the Republicans don't mind losing their support if they can reduce the wages of non-union and union workers. Then they can gouge business owners for more campaign contributions since they beat down wages. That is what is behind this "Right to Work" law. The Taft-Hartley Act stated that anybody could work for a union, and not pay dues, but they had to pay an "employment" fee equal to the amount of the dues paid. This prevented someone from "getting something for nothing" by not paying for professionally negotiated wages. The new law effectively is the "Right to Freeload" because that fee for negotiated wages no longer applies. Simply put, Republican legislators are prostitutes to business interest, not employees thereof.

  9. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Most except for Harvey are right on. Employees are going to get it in the rear end as well as teachers if Devos and the republican legislature and Congress has their say. I am 70 years old and I thank the all mighty my dad gladly paid the taxes to have a first rate school system in Shawnee-Mission, KS. We had people migrating from all over to Johnson County and in a few short years, 10, they had to build two new high schools, 6 additional Jr Highs, and 18 Grade schools to handle the influx of new people and of course the baby boomers. Teachers begged to get jobs in that school system because of good pay, well behaved students and parents with open minds as to social values. Not anymore will be experience such glorious times.

  10. Hugh Jorgan 867 53094:28 PM

    Simply put, Republican legislators are prostitutes to business interest, not employees thereof.

    I loled!
