Monday, March 27, 2017

Greitens to sign tort reform bill Tuesday

(From Gov. Eric Greitens)

Governor Greitens will be signing House Bill 153 on Tuesday, the latest piece of legislation to help grow Missouri's economy. The legislation will begin to clean up Missouri's broken judicial system by raising the standards for expert witnesses in the courtroom.

The Governor also added in a statement:

“We are going to do everything we can to grow more jobs with higher pay in the state of Missouri. Our court system holds us back. It allows trial lawyers to come to Missouri, pick our pockets, and hurt our businesses. It makes us less competitive than other states—at a time when we are fighting for every single job.

Tomorrow, we will take a first and important step in fixing that system, by signing legislation to raise the standard for expert witnesses in courtrooms. This bill will send a signal to the rest of the country that Missouri is open for business."

The signing will take place at a Missouri business, Midland Transports (320 Midland Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101), at 10:30 AM on Tuesday, March 28th.


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Randy, I think there is a minor typo throughout the post.

    The rebiblican teabag fundraising institutes all label this as "Tort Deform".

  2. Former Resident7:46 PM

    Raising the standards for expert witness in trials = "Missouri is open for business". Man! I'm so glad that the only thing keeping companies from flocking to the State has been discovered and eliminated.

    Think of the slogan! "Come to Missouri, our expert witness standard is now higher!"
