Thursday, March 30, 2017

Report: North Middle School teacher placed on leave, allegedly sent nude photos to three students

The Joplin Globe is reporting that Joplin Police and state child abuse investigators are investigating allegations that a North Middle School teacher sent nude photos of herself to three students.

A source tells the Turner Report that the teacher was removed from a classroom Wednesday shortly after the arrival of Joplin Police officers and assistant superintendents Kerry Sachetta and Steve Gilbreth.

North Principal Matt Harding removed the teacher's computers from the classroom shortly thereafter.

The Globe account says the nude photos were allegedly sent to students age 14, 14, and 13.

At this point, no charges have been filed. HR Director Ron Lankford said the teacher had been placed on administrative leave.


  1. Anonymous3:39 AM

    There goes another teacher leaving the district.

  2. I am loosing so much faith in humanity by reading so many articles like this one. Why? Just.. Why?

  3. Anonymous6:59 AM

    GOOD she needs to leave! The states preferably!

  4. busplunge8:33 PM

    Oh c'mon, Anonymous 4:31 PM, you never took a selfie of your junk and accidentally texted it to your mom? Me neither
