Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Greitens fundraising letter: I have accomplished a lot in 100 days; give me money

(The following fundraising e-mail was sent today by Gov. Eric Gteitens' campaign)

Today marks 100 days since I took the oath of office to serve the people of Missouri. 

In that short period of time, together we have:

  • Improved our business climate & companies are coming and staying in Missouri. Companies like Smith & Wesson, Microsoft, AutoAlert, Code Koalas, Onshore Outsourcing, and many more have announced that they are investing in our state because we've created a business-friendly climate.
  • Fought to keep "abortion sanctuary cities" out of Missouri. As Governor, I will always protect life and defend people of faith who protect the unborn.
  • Protected Missouri farms. We strengthened the penalties for illegal herbicide use that has devastated many farms across our state.
  • Worked to provide high-speed Internet for rural schools.
  • Banned lobbyist gifts. Executive branch employees can no longer accept gifts from lobbyists.
  • Made Missouri the 28th Right-to-Work State. We signed legislation that gives Missouri workers more freedom and opportunity – and leads to more jobs!
  • Signed a law to prevent crooked trial lawyers from using fake experts. Trial lawyers will no longer be able to put fake "experts" on the witness stand who peddle junk science. This will cut down on the number of frivolous lawsuits.
  • Formed a cabinet of experienced outsiders who are working to make your government more efficient.
  • Stopped politicians from raising their own pay!
  • Stood for your Religious Freedoms.
  • Showed the Nation our heart and how we can all come together after the horrific vandalism of the Jewish cemetery.
We've accomplished so much in the first 100 days, but there's still much left to be done. We must continue fighting together to bring more jobs, higher pay, safer streets, and better schools to all Missourians. 

But I can't continue to make conservative changes in Missouri without you. The liberals have noticed the reforms we have made – and they will do whatever they can to stop us. 

Friend, that's why I need your help. Can I count on your support? $10, $25 $50, $100 or more today will send a clear message to the DC and Jefferson City Insiders that we have a strong team of supporters! 

I am fighting for you. I know we can complete the mission to bring meaningful, conservative change to our state if you join me today and continue to accomplish as much as we did in the first 100 days. Friend, can I continue to count on you for the next 100 days? 

Thank you for all your support. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    You and your buddy the trumpster fire. He has done more in 100 days than any president in the history of Russia. Believe me. I hear it from hundreds of people. YUUUUUUGELY bigly!!
