Monday, May 22, 2017

Kansas senator: I welcoming the naming of a special counsel on Russian election interference

(From Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kansas)

There have been many questions raised about the effect of Russian interference in our elections, and I welcome the naming of a special counsel to conduct the investigation.

With this appointment, my hope is that the distractions can stop, the counsel can do his job and Congress and the president can deal with the many challenges facing our country. 

I expect Mr. Mueller’s pursuit of truth to be conducted in a manner that gives the American people confidence in the findings, regardless of the outcome.


  1. I hope he will back up, and investigate the meeting between a former President ( albeit a convicted perjurer) and the Attorney General at the Phoenix airports.That's a clear case of Justice obstruction.

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 25/7

  2. I hope he will back up to last summer, and check the meeting at the Phornix Aitport between the Attorney General and Slick Willie( albeit he's already a convicted perjurer)

    That's classic textbook Justice obstruction!!

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522/6622 voice&text 24/7

  3. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Richard Nixon had plenty of defenders.

    After all, he claimed he wasn't a crook.

    And a lot of people believed him!

    Until the tapes came out.

    Richard M. Nixon, greatest thing since sliced bread?

    Or deserving of the prison stripes so many of his crooked associated ended up wearing?

    Don't let the fact that Tricky Dick was a closet antisemite get your matzoh balls in a cholent!

  4. I've never seen EVIDENCE that Nixon was antisemetic.

    Isn't Kissinger Jewish?
    And before you get off on another unfounded tangent; Fonsld Trump's son in law, and closest advisor is A devout practicing Jew.

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24:7
