Thursday, July 20, 2017

Shocker- No trips to Vegas on Billy Long campaign report, $10,000 in meals

For the first time in the past few years, the latest FEC quarterly disclosure report filed July 14 by Seventh District Congressman Billy Long includes no visits to Las Vegas.

The trips to Vegas have become a staple of Long's reports, which have sometimes included as many four trips to gambling capital of the United States.

Though Las Vegas was not on Long's itinerary for the past three months, the report did show a trip to Beverly Hills April 17, which included paying two bills to the Hilton Hotel, one for $924.67 and the other for $799.92, and $162.08 to the Beverly Hills Limousine Service

Long's report also included at least 51 meals totaling $10,479.49.


  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    He's not even worth another bad joke.

  2. Anonymous6:29 AM

    That's just $205 a meal...light weight, lol
