Tuesday, August 15, 2017

At least Nixon made it through six years

The headline is just one of the thoughts I had after watching President Trump's session with reporters today.

I may share some more later.


  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    And Trump will make it to 8, maybe more....oh deary I'm triggered.

  2. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Good for President Trump. I'm a former journalist and am ashamed of the TV media such as CNN and MSNBC. I am so glad to be out of media.

  3. Anonymous7:36 AM

    If we are to survive as a nation, der Trumpenfuhrer needs to be shown how the 25th amendment works and remove his inept unfit ass from office immediately. Then they can remove his family and most of the other trash he added to his regime. Time to remove the National Enquirer from the White House.

  4. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Congress needs to "Dump the Trump" now or will lose the faith of the nation. I am doubtful that the Republican party, as we have known it, will survive at this point. Where is the leadership?!

  5. 5:25 is spot on
    And so was President Trump

    The left was out there purveying violence as well. If any journalist looked at those tapes for 30 second nds and couldn't tell that; they're either blind, ignorant, or prejudiced and bent on twisting the news to go after Trump.
    His fair weather friends on the manufacturing council and the grandstanding Congressman ( maybe worse on the Republican side in some cases) are showing where their courage is---non existent

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  6. IMP

    My uncle was with Patton on Anzio, and almost killed fighting Fascism.

    Do you even know what Fascism is?
    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

  7. I.M.Peachem8:40 AM

    My 95 year old great grandfather fought fascism too but doesn't condone what your fascist president is spewing right now and you follow goose stepping along. Fascism in this day and age is spelled R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N until they stand up and start following the ethics and morals they used to follow.

  8. Keep speeding your hate and venom; you'll be ignored. And President Trump will make America Great again.

    After Barcelona terrorists yesterday, do you still favor wide open immigration that Obama gave us?

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text
