Friday, August 25, 2017

President Trump coming to Springfield next week; Joplin breathes a sigh of relief

President Donald Trump is coming to Springfield, the Springfield News-Leader is reporting this morning.

The News-Leader, citing a report from Bloomberg, says Trump is coming to southwest Missouri Wednesday, August 30, to talk about tax reform, but will not be getting into any specifics, just acting as a cheerleader for the concept of tax reform.

The article mentions no venue for the event.


  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    And Where is that sigh of relief coming from? You are interjecting your opinion into your stories. I for one would be happy if he came to Joplin, and I am sure many share that belief in the area. It would elevate the prominence of Joplin for something besides getting blown away in a Tornado.

    Pull your editorial comments out of the stories, if you want to be a journalist, or I'm going to put you in the fake news category too.

  2. It would be truly remarkable and wonderful if Joplin was chosen as the venue!!!

    What can we do Jasper, Newton, McDonald,Barton, and Dade to get OUR President here?

    It'd be the greatest thing since the Mrdical School!!!!!

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    At least he'll fit right in with the other racists and sex offenders.

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Get your facts straight before condemning out President

    2. Anonymous8:22 PM

      I would love to have President Trump come to Joplin. I want to meet the man I voted for. He is a great President

  4. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Well said Anonymous. I concur.

  5. Anonymous12:06 PM

    If you want to loose most of your readers this is the way to do it! #TRUMP2020

  6. Anonymous12:23 PM

    lose* like your hero Trump you seem to have some literacy problems....

  7. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I'm incredibly grateful he is not coming to Joplin. I want him nowhere near my family. And we dont need the headache of our local white supremacist getting braver than they already are.

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Absolutely glad he is not coming here!

  8. Anonymous1:57 PM

    That's okay we're going to go see him!

  9. Anonymous2:31 PM

    It's too bad he isn't coming to Joplin. I would take off work to see him.

  10. Anonymous2:54 PM

    If the president is coming to talk about tax reform, he needs to start getting specific instead of making general promises. What kind of tax reform? Who will be paying less? Who will be paying more? How will the tax reforms he has in mind affect the deficit and our national debt? I feel the same way about everything he had to say during the campaign about improving health insurance. He promised much better coverage at a low, low price. Since the Republican House and Senate couldn't get the job done after talking about it for seven years, what's his plan? Specifically, how can he deliver better coverage at really reduced premiums? Giving speeches at campaign rallies is easy, but now that he's president, he needs to come up with specifics about tax reform and health care reform.

  11. Anonymous3:52 PM

    He would be flogged if he came to wicked Joplin

  12. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I didn't vote for Obama, didn't agree with his policies. Definitely did not fall for the cool guy persona, but I still thought it was pretty cool when a sitting president visited Joplin.
    This wholesale hatred of Trump is childish and very disturbing. The guy is not a racist and if you think he is then you should turn off CNN and go outside. The media is playing you like a fiddle. It's all for ratings(they admitted it).
    Have you heard anything about Russia lately? They are already on to the next popular smear.
    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt Mr. Turner and assume that you were concerned about Antifa idiots protesting, not disrespecting the highest office in the land. I'm sure if this were a year ago, the headline would have been much more positive.

  13. At this point in time there are approximately 17 blogs and/or replies.

    From the best I can tell; other than Randy's initial opinionated article, there are only 3 negative, or somewhat negative sentiments. The rest are very positive at the prospects of President Trump visiting Joplin; some of these even bring possible Democrstic or Hillary voters.

    We now have it confirmed that Springfield will get the visit; but we had fun dreaming, and learning just how strong Trump's support is here in thebJoplin area!!


    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  14. True Independent6:29 AM

    Oh well there it goes. CNN just reported he is visiting Springfield. Guess it isn't really going to happen sing the FAKE NEWS reported it. Or does this fit what you want so it isn't fake news? Hard to tell what with the new Republican Alternative Facts in opposition to reality. Will he bring his Russian buddies with him? Maybe he can bring along David Duke and possibly a big Hitler banner. Get the lunatic white supremacists, neo-nazis and other trash all fired up to create more division. He does a good job of deflecting the attention of the easily distracted from the Russia investigation. Hopefully while you fools are paying for a border wall you will have saved enough for your meager retirement and hopefully have some kind of money set aside for the pre-existing conditions your insurance won't cover. Still waiting to hear how Mexico will pay for this wall. Still waiting for the news that the "party before country" republicans are going to cut taxes for the rich while making the middle and lower middle class absorb the brunt of it. Keep worshipping your Trumpenfuhrer. He has made this country the laughing stock of the world and is leading you lemmings into your new sad world. The orange fool is unfit for office with his "wholesale hatred and childish disturbing behavior". You Trumpkins make sure you go to his "PUMP ME UP" rally. He needs you to massage his fragile bloated ego. I'm sure it will be the largest rally the world has ever seen. There will be hundreds of millions there. And you call CNN fake news.

  15. While he is there maybe he can tell us all again how Mexico will pay for that idiotic wall he keeps yammering about, or maybe he wants the American taxpayers to foot the bill?

  16. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Trump is a necessary "historical adjustment" that was sorely needed. For years the United States has been the most hated and dangerous country in the world and now, with an empty suit in charge, the world can take a breath and disregard the United States and it's policies as well as get a good laugh at the big bully on the block. The best part of the situation is that now we have real leaders emerging on the world stage because the United States has been relegated to the category of "ignore without consequence".

  17. Anonymous9:05 AM

    >>>the United States has been relegated to the category of "ignore without consequence".<<<

    Except for that big red button in Dump's football and home hatched hatroits like Eric Prince.
