Sunday, August 13, 2017

SW MO Democrats: Mr. President, use your bully pulpit for good instead of hate

(From Southwest Missouri Democrats)

The hate-filled demonstrations held yesterday in Charlottesville, Virginia and the subsequent violent acts committed by white supremacists against counter protesters have shocked and saddened us.

These events should galvanize our nation to action. We cannot let those that salute Nazi and other symbols of racist oppression set our national narrative and we must all condemn racist beliefs. We as Southwest Missouri Democrats agree with the statement made by our MDP Chair, Stephen Webber, “this racist Nazi terrorist ideology cannot be given even the slightest space to exist in American politics.” And we also stand with Senator Claire McCaskill who tweeted, “The hate on display in VA is ugly, and morally repugnant. And it is the essence of anti-American. Shame on them.”

The hateful rally held in Virginia was coined by it’s organizers as, “Unite the Right.” Instead our nation must be united against racism. This message must be sent unequivocally and without hesitation. Our 45th President’s statement was lacking on both points. To qualify racist violence by tweeting “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides. On many sides.” -@POTUS, President Trump is participating in the worst type of victim blaming. The side that we expect our President to condemn is the side who took the life of 32-year old Heather Heyer in Charlottesville on Saturday. Other Republicans have not hesitated to speak out on this and we hope that they will continue this patriotic stance to raise our public discourse. We hope that these Republican Senators will join our Democratic public servants and organizations in this fight for equality and to raise our level of public discourse. We appreciate the statement of Senator John McCain (R-AZ),

“White supremacists aren’t patriots, they’re traitors; Americans must unite against hatred & bigotry #Charlottesville” and Senator Hatch (R-UT) re-tweeting Alejandro Alvarez who said,

“Their tiki torches may be fueled by citronella but their ideas are fueled by hate, & have no place in civil society.” Senator Hach later expounded tweeting, “we should call evil by its name. My brother didn’t give his life fighting Hitler for Nazi ideas to go unchallenged here at home.” -OJH

The rally that took place yesterday is a symptom of a hateful undercurrent seething within the citizenry of our nation. This racism has many causes, but we must remember what former MO SOS Jason Kander noted on social media, “No one should forget that the birther movement emboldened white supremacists. Or that it was led by @realDonaldTrump.” Genevieve Williams, MDP Vice Chair added on Twitter, “if you build it (a space for white supremacy in public discourse) they will come (out of the woodwork with tiki torches). #Charolettesville

Our current President had a roll in feeding this racist undercurrent and it is time for him to own these actions and denounce the results. He is no longer a candidate; he is now our President and Commander in Chief. Once elected to be a public servant, a true leader must work for all citizens, not just his base. Mr. President, we ask you to own your past actions that directly enabled the events of yesterday and to use the “Bully Pulpit” for good instead of for hate.


  1. Sad,the farleft can exercise their special forms of hate and bigotry without a clamour but the far folks on the right cannot have same freedom.Pox on both sides..The hyped police/National Guard did not keep order in anyway..why...where are we heading?

  2. Just like Nucleus n in Ferguson, another incompetent Governor who cant( or won't) keep order,
    There's already evidence that this ones financed by George Soros as well.

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  3. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Twitler 45 is failing so hard.


    Maybe because his KKK loving father didn't raise him right.

  4. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Post a link to your supposed evidunce hervey!

  5. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Why are we worried about if the President ate bread (roll)? I am more worried about his role.

  6. We've had neo Nazi groups and the like for years, taking out their permits and marching-- you wanna know the best way to handle it? Ignore them
    Unfortunately now we have hate filled Democrats and grandstanding Congressmen and Senators( on both sides of the aisle) trying to political points out of it.

    BTW, it is well docuemented that George Soros financed burning Ferguson, MO down along with the assassination of the Batin Rouge police officers; and of course our incompetent Govenor Nixon sends the National Guard over there with no ammunition for their weapons-/Brilliant!!

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  7. Monsieur l’abbé, je déteste ce que vous écrivez, mais je donnerai ma vie pour que vous puissiez continuer à écrire.

    I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Emile Zola

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

    Present day Fake News does not understand that anymore than the 1st and 2nd Amendments to our Constitution

  8. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Well here comes hypocrite Harvey with his alternative facts. Pure republican. I don't hear you spewing about the evidence that Russia is financing your failing president. He has proven that he can't lead or keep order but he can create chaos, hate and fear. The most divisive scum in the swamp.

  9. Anonymous7:18 AM

    >>>He has proven that he can't lead or keep order but he can create chaos, hate and fear. The most divisive scum in the swamp.<<<

    IMO Pious Pence would be efficiently much worse at creating chaos, hate and fear. He would trump Trump if given the chance. There is a reason why Pious Pence was placed there.

    Fear for our nation. We can easily go the way of Allende's Chile.

  10. 5:57

    You don't believe in the first and second amendments?

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  11. Anonymous8:43 AM


    You don't believe in the first and second amendments?

    Not only do we have to guess what hervey is trying to say, we have to guess who he is saying it to.

  12. Anonymous9:12 AM

    The only fake news is coming from the alternative right and the Russia House (formerly the White House). Alternative facts that are bent and twisted from reality to fit their continually changing needs at the time. Defend the bigoted racists and show your true colors. Do you have your holey sheet and your tiny Triple K hoody ready to go? You can really impress der Trumpenfuhrer if you show up in that.

    @ 7:18 - at least Pence would be predictable and along with the rest of the Republicans, bow to the Koch money whereas the orange buffoon lies so much you don't know which way he is going or how long it will be before he brings Armageddon.

  13. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Don't confuse Harvey with a Republican. Harvey is a Trumpkin. Republicans simply want what Democrats want, with different means. Harvey is one of those on the extreme right, along with those with tiki torches and white hoods.

  14. I sign my name; so no confusion that the anonymous cowards create

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  15. I sign my name just like Harvey!

    Hugh Janus 808 0649

  16. D. Ingleberry 417-410-U81211:33 AM

    Wow! If signing my name ends the republican's confusion on how to get rid of the scum in the white house and run this country then count me in!!!!

  17. anonymous coward (phone number concealed)1:47 PM

    I'm in for keeping Harvey confused, that's why I'm posting as anonymous coward. Phone number not posted because I really don't want Harvey (or any of Blubber Long's staffers) to call me.

  18. Well, now we have something we can agree on-- the name you chooses-fits you perfectly

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

  19. Anonymous8:47 AM

    The name you chooses? Your republican edumucations is showin' there Harvey. Now I understand. 'nuff said.
