Friday, October 06, 2017

Connect2Culture's Wert says arts center is completely on the up and up

A "silent' fundraising campaign to raise $14 to $16 million for an arts center to be built in the Memorial Hall parking lot will begin soon, according to Connect2Culture President Clifford Wert, and will be followed by a public campaign.

In the accompanying Newsmakers video from KGCS, Wert begins by telling interviewer Judy Stiles that the entire project is on the up and up, reviewing how the proposal went before the Joplin City Council where it was approved Monday night. He also details the history of the project, which dates back to 2009.

Wert also details plans for Memorial Hall saying there are "great synergies" between Memorial Hall and the new arts center.


  1. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Anyone believe this?

  2. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Clifford. Go away and take C2C with you. There are not enough people that will support the arts financially.

  3. Anonymous9:04 PM

    When you have to start the interview by comfirming the project is on the up and up, I already doubt the validity.
    It's like going before the judge and saying, I'll be honest with you.
    If you have to announce you are being honest or have to re-iterate that something is legit, then it probably isn't.
    Looks like the Joplin City Council fat cats are stuffing more money into their pockets while the citizens will again suffer the loss.
    Can anyone say "Wallace Bajjali"

  4. Quiet means quiet...he already has commitments from quiet phase...he is crafting images so city council will endorse some sort of taxpayer deal (bonds,taxing district add on...)...the elites get what they want.

  5. Anonymous2:37 AM

    or joplin blasters[disaters)

  6. Anonymous5:50 AM

    It's the damn baseball stadium fiasco all over again--fake statistics and pompous twits jamming their interests in the taxpayers' faces.

  7. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I'm thinking about organizing a grassroots group to support this kind of great big Joplin idea.

    The name will be BOHICA!

  8. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Bend over here it comes again implies defeatism and it fits the service member because of the inability to criticize the superior officer, but we can call out this group that thinks they know what's best for Joplin's citizens. How about we give THEM the acronym they have earned after Wallace-Bajjali, they should;d be known as the SUSFU's. (situation unchanged, still effed up).
