Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Graves: It's time to make tax reform happen

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

World famous scientist Albert Einstein once said after attempting to fill out his tax returns - "This is too difficult for a mathematician. It takes a philosopher."

Indeed, we live under a tax code that is simply too complicated. Figuring out what we owe shouldn’t be so hard that we have to write another check just to fill out the form correctly.

October 22, 1986, was the last time a major reform to the American tax code was signed into law. That was over 30 years ago.

If you work hard for a day’s pay, you’ve probably felt like the system was stacked against you. While special interest groups pay their high priced lawyers to find the latest loopholes, everyday Americans just hope they get a refund to cover the cost of tax preparation. Over the last decade, too many hard-working Americans have struggled to find good-paying jobs, make ends meet, provide for their families and plan for their retirement. It’s past time to help the middle class get the upper hand!

Strengthening and growing the middle class is how we build a stronger America. With that focus in mind, we are introducing a bill that will lower the tax burden for families and small businesses. No one should have to sift through medical bills and receipts to save a few bucks on their tax returns. America’s tax code should be working for you, not against, and you should count on paying fewer taxes from the start.

Middle-class Americans shouldn’t just be hoping for a bigger tax refund at the end of the year, they should be guaranteed to pay less. That is why lowering tax rates is so important. My goal from the start was to put more money in your pocket and we accomplish this by lowering tax rates and simplifying things. With a simplified tax code, you should be able to fill out your taxes on a document the size of a postcard, saving you time and money.

While most North Missourians will get a pay raise, our small businesses stand to benefit from tax reform as well. Meaningful tax reform will allow them to expand and create more better-paying jobs right here at home.

More jobs, fairer taxes, bigger paychecks. That’s how a 21st Century tax code works for you.

We’ve talked about it long enough; now it’s time to make it happen.


  1. The blueprint of the sweeping new tax code was just released, and itis beautiful ! Beautiful!

    Thanks to everyone who can get this done!!

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

  2. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Tax reform, huh. How about raising minimum wage to a livable amount on top of tax reform that will for sure benefit those in lower income brackets. Giving tax breaks to those in upper brackets will not help the lower brackets or middle class. Tax reform to businesses, except small ones, will only go to increase the dividend, CEO salaries and benefit packages to those already making over 1 million a year. Most businesses cannot hire, train and keep low wage employees when other programs actually benefit them more. Too bad the lawyers and such have taken over our court system as all could benefit for a return to Roosevelt CCC days to train youth in basic skills needed by companies to compete globally. Our system is suffering from failed system holding students accountable for their learning in school. Fail and you can only hold them back one year. Where is the old system of punitive peer pressure to make sure you stay with your classmates you started with and want to graduate with in mass. No pride in students and parents. Take time to work with and learn with your children. Dumb asses and they will become republicans no doubt.

  3. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Great. It worked so well when Bush cut taxes....

  4. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Not nearly as well as the war Bush lied us into.
