Wednesday, November 29, 2017

State treasurer: I support President Trump's call for Congress to get tax reform done

(From State Treasurer Eric Schmitt)

Missouri State Treasurer Eric Schmitt today released the following statement after attending the president’s tax reform event in St. Charles.

“Tax reform will deliver higher wages, more take-home pay and thousands of new jobs for hardworking Missourians who have waited far too long for economic relief. It’s time for Congress to fix America’s broken and outdated tax code and I support the president’s call for lawmakers to get it done.”

Schmitt met with White House officials, including Vice President Mike Pence, earlier this month to urge the passage of substantive reform that benefits middle class families and small businesses. In September, Schmitt published an op-ed in the Daily Caller calling on Congress to pass tax reform this year.


  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Higher wages? Really? They said the same crap for the Bush tax cuts and it never happened. If any company owner actually raises wages, give a tax cut. If not, go pound sand. Go look at any graph comparing CEO pay vs employee pay. One rises, one stays level.

  2. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Did you ask Pence why our president continues to recruit foreign employees at lower costs while claiming that this tax bill will hurt him big time? Or were you to star struck in their presence?
