Saturday, December 30, 2017

Greitens campaign: We fought the liberal media, bureaucrats and insiders- now give us money

In a final 2017 plea for campaign contributions, Gov. Eric Greitens sounded the usual notes of achieving success "no matter what the liberal media said."

Whatever insiders and bureaucrats did, the message said, "we did different."

The message fails to mention anything specific Greitens has done in his first year as governor.

The message is printed below (minus the links to give contributions and the mention that they have looked over their records and discovered I have not made any contributions in 2017).

We did a lot of good for the people of Missouri this year. Most importantly, we kept our promises. No matter what the liberal media said, no matter what the insiders and bureaucrats did, we did different.

We couldn't have done that without your help and support. The fight isn't over. We've got a lot left to do to grow more jobs with higher pay, keep our streets safe, and improve schools for the people of Missouri.

As the year come to a close, we're looking at our donor records. We wanted you to see what you've given this year—and we wanted to make one final ask of you:

This is your final chance to be on the list of our 2017 Supporters and to update your donor record. Click one of our quick donate links below to ensure your name is on the list.


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    The only "bureaucrat" is Greitens himself. He is is clueless and in over his head....has no idea how state government or public schools are run. Lack of ability and knowledge is astounding.

  2. He’s doing a great job! President Trump is too!

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  3. Many more beaureaucrats in Jeff City and the DC cesspool need to be sent home; get some of that $20 trillion debt down

    Too much deadwood!

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  4. Anonymous1:56 PM

    To get some of the $20 trillion debt down - CUT DEFENSE SPENDING - BUT the war profiteers won't like it. We cannot keep spending like "drunk sailors" to support the continuation of our EMPIRE. We create boogy men and use scare tactics - to justify over the top defense spending. Republicans will cut every social program - but will increase defense spending.

  5. 09-01-11 and the Boston Marathon were not scarf tactics; along with San Bernardino and Orlando, et al

    They were the real deal.
    Keep those bad actors out of this country, and take them out in Nort Africa.

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text
