Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Public defender to represent accused Jayda Kyle killer at Wednesday hearing

A public defender will represent Jalen Dashawn Vaden, 22, Carl Junction, the accused killer of three-year-old Jayda Kyle when the next hearing in his case is held 9 a.m. Wednesday before Judge Joseph Hensley in Jasper County Circuit Court.

Public defender Darren Wallace filed an entry of appearance today, according to online court records.

That appears to be a change of plans for Vaden, who told Hensley during a December 14 video arraignment that he would be represented by a private attorney.

Vaden, is charged with second degree murder and felony child abuse in connection with the December 1 death of the three-year-old following abuse that took place earlier in the week at their home at 405 Meadow Lake Drive. He was the live-in boyfriend of the child's mother.

Vaden is being held without bond in the Jasper County Jail.


  1. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Maybe Judd will hire Dee Wampler to defend him.

  2. He already has. According to the Globe story, the family is being represented by Joe Passanise and Passanise is Dee Wampler's partner.

  3. Anonymous8:20 PM

    He is covering for them period can't tell me different why is he the only one locked up.... can't talk to people to defend is self but the mother and them can... even when there story keeps.chsnging don't make no sense to me. Justice for baby girl

  4. Joe Passanise is not reperesenting the defendant. He is reperesenting the McPherson's in the juvenile matter.

  5. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Trust me...Judd is the puppet master in all of this. I'm really surprised though the kid hasn't flipped on Judd. I'm sure he was made promises for taking the fall which now aren't occurring since it's gained so much exposure. Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to move this case outside of Jasper County jurisdiction. Judd was personally calling judges...why is that being lost in all of this? A federal investigation needs to be conducted to determine how bad the Jasper County judicial system stinks.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Great point about the kid flipping! He really gonna go down to cover the McPhersons?

  6. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Better pull this case out of Jasper County if it's got any chance of being conducted right!


  8. Anonymous9:39 AM

    This case must be moved to another jurisdiction in order for the facts to come out. The Jasper County judicial system is extremely flawed to say the least. Judd McPherson still has a lot of influence in all of this.

  9. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Judd is guilty!

  10. Move it. Then you can talk about how crooked and stupid and flawed that judicial system is. You dislike Judd. We get that. Its pretty obvious. But your comments are just ridiculous. Judd is guilty? Of what? Even if everything alleged is true, he still committed no crime.

    1. Anonymous3:08 AM

      Sir, you're obviously misinformed about the situation which leads me to believe you've been reading the Joplin Globe. Judd is guilty of attempting to manipulate a murder investigation in an attempt to cover up his daughters mess. I'm not sure about your world but in mine that is a grave offense. I'm no expert in the law but I'm pretty sure it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this one out. What's important here is that the people of Jasper County aren't going to accept anymore favors being called in on this one and there will be Justice for Jayda in the end!

    2. Anonymous5:00 AM

      Mr. Anus, have you lost your mind in your attempt to destroy Mr. Turner? Yes, I've read your blogs about him. It's seems that you have more at stake in ruining his credibility versus finding the truth in Jayda's murder. Lets stay focused on the heinous murder of this little girl. You can worry about your vendetta with Mr. Turner at a later time. Justice for Jayda!

      And I believe it's safe to say that the Jasper County judicial system is flawed. Wait, the investigation was reopened? Why would you have to reopen it? Oh, because you never investigated it in the first place because the round boy (Judd) called in a favor to a judge. Ridiculous! You need to wake up.

      Sir, Judd is guilty for several reasons. He just got caught this time is the only difference.

      Remember, try to keep Jayda in mind before attacking Mr. Turner the next go around.

    3. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Mr. Anus or should I say Judd, are you flipping kidding me? He didn't commit a crime even if the allegations are true? He freaking manipulated a murder case! Do you live on this planet? Do you care anything about the tragic death of this little girl? It appears you're completely disconnected with your surroundings. Or, your lack of knowledge regarding this matter is because you're an avid fan of the Joplin Globe. Whatever the case could you please do some additional research before making these types of comments? You're an embarrassment to the Turner Report!

      P.S. I can't wait until the kid turns on Judd. It's going to happen.

    4. Anonymous4:51 AM

      I'm pretty sure you're the only one defending Judd at this point. The entire county knows what he's all about. Which leads me to believe that you might actually be Judd. He's about the only one that would defend himself in all of this.

  11. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Turner is a lying hack trying to run a virtual lynch mob.

    That said, Jasper County and every county runs a corrupt and stupid and flawed judicial system.

    1. Anonymous3:11 AM

      Turner is doing something that the Joplin Globe has failed to do. He's presenting the facts of the case.

      Thank you Mr. Turner! Please keep up the good work!

    2. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Sir, Mr. Turner is exposing this case for what it is. We can't say that about the Globe. Also, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out something is a little off with Jasper County. You feel me? Look at the crime rate! Look at all the corruption! This case needs federal attention!!!

    3. Anonymous12:39 PM

      I have been reading Randy's blogs for the past couple of years, not just because of this article. I have found out more information about what is happening in Joplin, reading these articles, then by reading the Globe and watching the local news combined.
      I appreciate his dedication and enthusiasm, providing us with current information not divulged by mainstream media.
      I believe his information is accurate, otherwise he would not be allowed to continue.
      Thank you Randy.

  12. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Turner has let the documents and the facts tell the story and you have to give him credit for that, especially when you consider that Judd and his friends have spread lies about Turner for years.

  13. Anonymous10:37 AM

    The Globe has a history of avoiding some of the major stories that Turner has scooped them on, most of them based on documents. To give a few examples:

    The Rangeline Sonic lawsuit, the allegations of two carhops being molested

    Wallace Bajjali's history of lawsuits and bankruptcies

    The $100,000 Joplin High School bleacher seats

    Dean Dankelson accepting campaign contributions from the family of someone who had been charged with a crime and accepting contributions from the lawyers who would be arguing cases before him

    CJ Huff's lie that the new Joplin High School had never failed an inspection. If you remember, Turner obtained the document which clearly had the word "failed' written on it

    The information about the man who is wanted for the murder this weekend in Joplin being accused of shooting a man a couple of years ago.

    The Jasper School District embezzlement

    The amount of money Eric Greitens has received from the DeVos family and voucher supporters

    The list goes on and on.

    The Joplin area has been lucky for a long time to have someone with Turner's abilities as a reporter and as a writer. I don't agree with some of his political leanings, but as a longtime subscriber to Turner Report I know the value it has to Joplin and this entire area of Southwest Missouri.

    I would guess that many readers have latched on to Turner Report recently and began reading it due to the Jayda Kyle story or the Rangeline Sonic story. Those who appreciate what Turner does should contribute some money or at least spread the word about what he is doing. There are people in this area who would love to see him disappear. We can't let that happen. We need the truth, no matter how painful it can be some times and we can't get that from the Globe.

  14. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Numerous people in this sad case have an agenda driven by personal animus and/or extreme self-interest. The parents naturally want to place all blame on the boyfriend to keep the legal finger from pointing at their daughter who was present when the child was killed. The daughter is fortunate enough to have a father who has knowledge in how to massage the results of an investigation, and who can afford to retain a top-notch criminal defense attorney to speak for the family - which includes the daughter. This is why we hope to have impartial investigators who follow the facts where those facts lead them, regardless of who the family is.
