Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Debbie Fort files for Joplin R-8 Board- showdown with Koch appears likely

A three-way race for two seats on the Joplin R-8 Board of Education developed on the final day with former board member Debbie Fort joining incumbents Jeff Koch and Lori Musser on the ballot.

Fort served a three-year term on the board from 2014-2017. Koch and Musser ware completing their first terms.

Fort has indicated she will be stressing a platform that will include developing a program to combat the student suicide problem.

Fort is expected to run as a team with Musser, leaving Koch, the board president for the past three years as the odd man out.

A rift developed on the current board right from the beginning when Koch was elected to an unprecedented third consecutive term as board president, and teamed with the three newly-elected board members to shut Musser and Jennifer Martucci out of leadership positions.

Earlier post

Dispute in election of president, vice president highlights first meeting of new Joplin R-8 Board


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    When is the election?

  2. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Stressing a platform including suicide prevention.... yet no one on the board opted to renew a contract for a mental health counselor

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Dr. Fort is currently not on the Board of Education. Her platform will include this issue, however, she will diligently work toward fiscal responsibility and teachers raises as well as a number of other issues. As she has done in her prior term on the Board. Do not forget Jeff Koch was the deciding vote to give CJ Huff his golden parachute, sweetheart package! On your dime people! He wasted your dollars on the like of CJ Huff. Good riddance.

  4. Anonymous8:31 PM

    7:27 was that the golden parachute that Anne Sharp put into a contract? Didn't CJ have a three year contract and was only paid for one and a half? Doesn't really sound like CJ got a "deal".

  5. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Oh for God's sake Fort, just go away already. This hag was an awful principal that never should have been in the position....and believe me she was no supporter of teachers...and worthless board member. Her answer to everything? A book study...lol.

  6. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Koch reluctantly worked out the deal to get rid of CJ. It's funny, If memory serves me correctly, people were criticizing about the payout but most came to his defense just happy that he get rid of CJ. And if I remember right Even Turner was supporting him and trying to explain to people and it's the only way to get rid of the guy. You guys need to get your facts straight.

  7. Great for Joplin! Thank you Debbie. We would have had Huff today without your courage to stand-up to the Bully and his elitist ilk.Koch has a bad case of big ego....he needs to go.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      You have to be kidding me....Koch is the one that worked with the attorneys behind the scenes to get rid of Huff. He did the heavy lifting....no one else

  8. Anonymous7:21 AM

    If we are looking at additional staff, consider adding a second school counselor at each of our middle schools. Then look at our elementary schools based on increased enrollment. School counselors are mental health professionals; they are also educators who can assist in teaching developmentally appropriate comprehensive social-emotional learning curriculum and in coordinating related educational programs that emphasize the maintenance of physical and mental health.

  9. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Case in point; this is why Joplin continues to be the face of dysfunctional school boards in Southwest Missouri. And so it continues.....

  10. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Of that entire board, Martucci's behavior is the one that concerns me.i am still so disappointed in her and her child-like temper-tantrum when she was not voted in as board president. It was embarrassing and from what I hear it continues on during and away from meetings. Most would love to see her gone. That would be beneficial to the students of Joplin.

  11. Anonymous9:09 AM

    1235...you should run but no you just enjoy being cynical.

  12. 849 Koch did the HR shuffle...Huff deserved less but the elite gang gave him the exit plan before any heavy lifting by newby Jeff...he needs to go

  13. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Debbie Fort stood up to Huff and helped get him out she also stood with Martuchi and Musser to start making things better for the employees of this district (not administrators they have ALWAYS done very well financially and every other way) we will welcome Fort back with open arms she is willing to stand up for those who actuality work not just sit behind a desk GO DEBBIE FORT!!!

  14. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Martucci, she needs to go.

  15. J Martucci7:58 PM

    i have never commented on this blog but feel like it is my turn to clarify a few things. In regards to the meeting that you refer to, 8:55am and 6:07pm, I was sitting through that meeting with a broken shoulder that happened 3 days prior. I had been to the doctor that afternoon and they wanted me to go have an x-ray but i put it off because if I did that, I would have missed the meeting and I felt it was my responsibility to attend as new members were being sworn in. I also had subbed a full day with 27 third graders for a friend of mine who had been diagnosed with leukemia and was struggling with treatment. I was not feeling top of my game that night, but apparently that is not considered acceptable nor forgivable for someone to have a hard or bad day. You see what you want to see. I understand that people do not always agree with each other but I work very hard to represent the community who elected me...Twice! I advocate for students, parents, teachers, support staff, and administration I go into meetings prepared with relevant questions and hold the district accountable to our goals and strategic plan. I serve faithfully on the committees I work with..policy committee, budget/finance committee, health/benefits committee and attend as many district functions as my schedule allows, making alternate arrangements for my own children when I need to in order to serve this school district. When someone comes to me with a request or problem, I don't always have the answer but I will get it. I apologize if you are disappointed in me..do you even know me? I treat people with the same respect they show me. If you feel I am disrespectful to someone, perhaps there is more to the story.. I serve on this board with my heart in the right place and all of the integrity I can. I am honest and I volunteer to put myself and my family under a microscope.. That is not an easy thing to do. If you would like to speak to me about any issues you have, please feel free to call me at 540-3538. I will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

    1. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Someone once told me that those who need to tell others how honest and hard working they are....well I think you get the picture. Actions speak louder than words and your actions have spoken very loudly about your character. And if you really want to go there, why don't you talk about your part in the redistricting a few years ago and you not wanting your kids to go with all the other "druggie" kids? Self-righteous much?

    2. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Some very fair points have been made here. So far your silence has been very telling. So, after your initial lashing out, what say you Martucci?

    3. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Never thought she could answer a tough question. That one just comes back to haunt her. You started this Martucci. Let's hear your response?

  16. Jennifer has the guts to run and serve. The snide comments about her come from folks who are along for the ride not really wanting to get their hands dirty helping others. GET INVOLVED you may be humbled by the experience.

  17. Anonymous8:16 AM

    9:10 - That is all you got? I think it is evident that people just want a reason to put others down, being on a political school board that has gone through what Joplin's has in the past five years, Jennifer Martucci should be applauded for wanting to even to try to affect positive change for the children of Joplin. It is a thankless job obviously and you will never ever please everyone no matter what. So quit the petty jabs and BS - next time there is an election how about throwing YOUR hat in the ring if you know so much?

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      The hypocrisy and ignorance in this statement is astounding. It's amusing how certain people on this site believe that the only way that you can possibly have an opinion or criticize a board member is if you have run or served on the school board. Somehow that makes you enlightened and is the only way that you can possibly have a voice otherwise keep your mouth shut. What an open-minded, intellectual comment. But then again should we expect anything else?

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      So Martucci, care to "clarify" your comments a few years ago about Joplin students and which ones you didn't want your kids attending school with? I mean, since we are clarifying things and all......

    3. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Ok I will repost since Turner seems intent on not posting anything I submit.
      8:16: that's all I have!? That's all I need!!! If you are holding a position that is an elected position you must be able to deal with scrutiny and criticism when you behave badly. She has done so. And since she is apparently an avid reader of this site I ask this: Martucci, care to comment on the redistricting issue when you spoke of not wanting your kids to attend school with other Joplin students you considered druggies? I mean, since we are "clarifying" and all....

  18. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Perhaps if Debbie Fort hadn’t been in breach of the board’s contract with CJ, they wouldn’t have had to settle with him. That “golden parachute” was entirely on her shoulders folks. But sure...re-elect this fine servant of our community that has lied her way all the way through under the guise of her “faith in God.” Good luck with that.

  19. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Oh Jen Jen....have you no response? You were just full of comments and now that you are called to the carpet nothing but crickets...lol. Yep, just going to keep this flapjack on the griddle.....
