Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Graves: Trump's priorities will make North Missouri a safer and more prosperous place to live

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

This week I was honored to attend President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address to the nation. Every day I’m able to serve Missouri is a blessing and I am committed to helping North Missourians and Americans across the country lead productive and fulfilling lives.

Nationwide, we are starting to see many positive changes. After the passage of tax reform, we have seen over three million workers reap the benefits of bonuses, pay raises, and improved employee benefits. Best of all, most middle-class Americans should have bigger paychecks as soon as next month due to their tax liability going down.

2017 was a record year for our economy and this is only the beginning.

Since taking office, President Trump has reinvigorated and stimulated our economy with record-setting stock market growth, which bodes well for pensions across the board, a declining unemployment rate, and steady GDP growth.

During President Trump's State of the Union speech, he emphasized his plan for a "strong, safe and secure America". I was pleased to hear he is making border security and infrastructure two key focal points for our future.

While our country is made great because of immigration, we must also ensure that those who come here do so legally. Any plan for immigration reform simply will not be effective until we first devise and implement a plan to safely secure our border.

A wall is not the only answer to our immigration problem. But having a President in office that will enforce our existing laws is a good place to start.

Another top priority that requires our immediate attention is the status of our nation’s infrastructure.

Infrastructure is a major driver of our nation’s economy and 2018 presents a great opportunity for us to push the throttle on our economic growth and advance a comprehensive infrastructure package.

As Chairman of the Highways and Transit Subcommittee, I look forward to working with President Trump and my fellow colleagues to improve the infrastructure of today and build for the infrastructure of tomorrow.

In my conversations with Republicans, Independents, and Democrats across the Sixth District, we rarely disagree on objectives. We all want opportunity, good-paying jobs, rising incomes, a safe and secure country, and all the freedoms that are guaranteed by our Constitution.

Making our country safe, strong and secure will require bipartisan support and collaboration across the aisle. Improving our infrastructure and securing our border are not partisan issues. As we look towards the future, I’m optimistic that we can, and will, come together to enact President Trump's legislative priorities to further strengthen the state of our union and continue to make North Missouri a safer and more prosperous place to live.


  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Next thing you know North Missouri will be so successful they'll be looking to secede. Except Southern Illinois, Southern Iowa and Southern Nebraska won't cotton to being drug down. Shotgun marriage to become North Kansas except same problem.


  2. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Attacking the FBI is making us safe?!

  3. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Graves is just another lying hypocrite (the definition of republican) that is going to preach bipartisanship now, after being nothing but obstructionists during the previous administration. Now the lying "party before country" hypocrites want everybody to play nice. As far as the moron you call president, he has no clue as to what is going on. Your actual president is Stephen "Make America White Again" Miller. By the way Graves, don't tell your fearless Fuhrer that a wall isn't all you need for border security. While your at it, remind him that he doesn't need our tax money for the wall since, according to his campaign lies, he will make Mexico pay for it. But that lie seems to have been forgotten by the simple minded fools that keep voting idiots like you into office. Keep your rich owners happy little pawn. They will pay you well for it.

  4. Anonymous8:16 AM

    @3:41 YES! Attacking a corrupt and phony FBI DOES keep us all safe. When this is all said and done, a lot of Dems will be eating crow for days.

  5. Anonymous7:04 PM

    8:16 And this has been your mind set since when? Last month? You folks are absolutely nuts. For 8 years all we heard was Obama was a communists. Now you switch allegiance to an administration that is in love w the Russians? And you do not care why? You are not the least bit curious why Trump does not want to show his taxes now? Cheering for the fall of the FBI? Absolutely f------ crazy.

  6. Anonymous8:33 PM

    @7:04 WRONG! Waco and Ruby Ridge were all the proof I needed to know that the FBI and ATF, and other jackboot alphabet soup org's, were NEVER any friends to the American people. I bet your love of these goons started right after Trump was elected. How thrilled were you when Comey was playing his shell game right before the election? Not very I'd wager. Rabid partisanship is what is "Absolutely F----- Crazy".

  7. Anonymous3:40 PM

    833, defending Waco ends this conversation for me. Are you mad that that father in Michigan charged Dr Nassar today as well? Read what survivors of Waco say today. I know, fake news.....

  8. Anonymous6:31 AM

    833 You are "spot on" about Waco and Ruby Ridge. In Ruby Ridge - Randy Weaver's wife (Vicki Weaver) was shot and killed by an FBI sniper - while holding her baby. Randy Weaver was acquitted of ALL charges - except original bail condition violation. Randy Weaver won a $3.1 million dollar "out of court" settlement. Once again the FBI was NOT held accountable for their actions (even though Vicki Weaver was assassinated)!!!

    As far a Waco goes - 76 Branch Davidians were burned to death - including 2 dozen children after a 51 day siege. The FBI and ATF - could have just "waited out" the situation until it was brought to a peaceful end.

  9. Anonymous3:25 PM

    631, Ruby Ridge and Waco are 2 very different issues. RR deserves scrutiny. However, what does it have to do with the FBI with the FBI investigating the fact that Russians meddled in our democratic process? What are you so afraid they will find? I don't know if they will find collusion by Trump himself, but they have found for sure that Russians influenced the election by using psychological influence, propaganda, fake postings, etc. I also think they will find more money laundering scandals. People have already admitted to lying to the FBI, and they are all Trump appointed people. They will most likely take the fall and if you choose to believe that Trump knew nothing that is your choice.
    I simply do not understand the new found hatred for the FBI. It seems RR and Waco are only self justification for perceived attacks on Trump. The fact that this administration is all but ignoring Russia meddling says a lot to me.
    Let me ask a different question though. Many Republicans see the federal government as an intrusion on peoples rights. Most high profile cases are by whites vs the Federal government and the Feds are seen as the bad guy. So, how come republicans cannot understand a black mans same frustration towards their local municipal police officers? You refuse to condemn municipal cops brutality despite seeing it on camera. Some of these cases are clearly caused by the citizen, but many, many are clear acts of murder and brutality. Why can you not place yourself into the mind of the black mans frustrations on this issue?
