Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Greitens: We're eliminating 33,000 regulatory requirements

(From Gov. Eric Greitens)

As he outlined in the State of the State address, the Governor has directed his team to review all regulations in the state of Missouri. As a result of that review, the Governor and his Executive Departments have found and are eliminating thousands of regulatory restrictions on Missourians.

The Governor said, “We’re getting the government off of people’s backs. We launched the most aggressive, most ambitious, most detailed effort to roll back unnecessary regulations in the United States. And we are proud to share that we are taking nearly one out of every three regulatory requirements in the state of Missouri—that’s 33,000 regulatory requirements—that we are taking off the books for good.”

At the Department of Economic Development, the Governor's team identified a regulation in the BUILD program that required Missouri companies to have interest from another state before they could receive a tax credit to invest in the state of Missouri. That regulation has been marked for elimination, and the Governor added, “There might have been good intentions behind that regulation, but the effect is obvious: it leads companies who might invest in Missouri to go looking elsewhere. At a time when we need to fight for every single job, that's wrong. We need companies to invest in Missouri—not look for a better offer somewhere else.”

This initiative was launched last year and began the first day the Governor entered office. The Governor signed an executive order freezing new regulations and later launched “No Mo' Red Tape” as a way of soliciting citizen input into the regulatory process. (More details are available here:

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