Friday, January 12, 2018

KOAM Report: City manager stopped publication of Joplin Police incident spotlights

Someone important must have complained to Joplin City Manager Sam Anselm.

KOAM's Jordan Aubey reports that Anselm has put an end to the Joplin Police Department's practice of posting daily incident reports on its Facebook page.

The incident reports were started last August and offered readers a view of the type of work JOPD officers do every day. Some involved drug arrests, many involved unusual circumstances and the posts often described the challenges the police face in doing their day-to-day jobs.

KOAM reposted the incident reports and I also did so on my Inside Joplin blog.

Through a Sunshine Law request, Aubey received e-mails that featured Anselm's order to stop the incident reports, Captain Trevor Duncan's explanation of the purpose of the reports and the overwhelming popularity of the feature.

Duncan started the incident spotlights after reviewing Facebook pages of other police agencies and seeing how they were communicating with the public. He spotlighted incidents that were not typically featured in department news releases, but featured information about incidents that were of interest to the public, but never made it into the pages of the Joplin Globe.

Anselm appeared to be critical of the feature from the beginning, accusing the JPD of using the incident spotlights as "click bait" and finally ordering them dropped, saying they were dividing the community because of some of the comments that were being left on the Facebook page.

Thankfully, now that Anselm has stopped the scourge of Joplin Police Department incident spotlights, the community will no longer be divided.


  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I agree, someone with money or that was related to someone important, complained.
    Small town Joplin, some things never change.
    Maybe we should be searching for a new City Manager?

  2. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Yep, 10:35--that someone rich complained was my immediate thought as well. How ridiculous, Sam!

  3. Anonymous4:40 AM

    My guess is that the Chamber, either on their own initiative or on behalf of an influential member, complained to the City that the postings were tarnishing the city's image. Personally, I think the postings were extremely helpful and beneficial to the community and I applaud the JPD's efforts to connect with the citizens. Maybe the City Manager and the Council should take some lessons from the JPD on how to be more of a "service to the whole community" and not just those that have the "influence".

  4. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Yep, had a manager couple years ago, little Hitler. Really put the thumb down on what employees could respond to. Why is he telling our police department what to do?

  5. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Gotta keep that Wholesome Image alive, can't do that with people seeing the underbelly of community built on a large portion of low paying jobs. Dare we call it a- S--- Hole?

  6. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Sam is a JOKE as City Manager. He is under qualified for his position and he has no spine!

  7. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Do they not post some of the same stuff in the Joplin globe ? What's the difference?

  8. It is well past time for the city manager to be replaced. Perhaps the city council wants a milque toast for a city manager but that is far from what the city needs. It needs open and effective city leadership, something lacking in both the city manager and the city council.

  9. Anonymous8:04 AM

    People are getting arrested in holy wholesome Joplin?

    No wai!

    Wake me up when this nightmare is over!

  10. Anonymous8:14 AM

    City manager needs to work on real problems in the city instead of being so concerned over this issue.

  11. Anonymous8:17 AM

    City manager needs to work on real city problems instead of being involved in such petty issues.

  12. Anonymous8:47 AM

    The posts were an effective way to inform the citizens of what was going on in Joplin. They were often written in a humorous fashion which I believe sparked the interest of the readers and improved the rapport between the JPD and the public.

  13. Anonymous10:27 AM

    So much for transparency!

  14. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Information is power

  15. Anonymous2:00 PM

    It is just so hard to imagine anyone not wanting the public to know the truth around here.
    In case you didn't know, THAT was sarcasm.

    Just more of the same.

  16. Sam is an ideal beaurcrat.Inert,odorless and focused on pleasing the key few who keep him in the job.

  17. Anonymous4:34 AM

    I think the issue here is determining who directed the City Mgr to shut down the posts. Did someone (Council member, Mayor, outside organization, etc...) pressure the City Mgr to take this action? Maybe a Sunshine request for information that takes a deeper and wider dive would shed some light on this issue. A City Council meeting is coming up....good time for the citizens to put this out in front of the Council.

  18. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Good old boy corrupt network!

  19. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Shame that the city manager, city council , mayor and or city administration shouldn't post their accomplishments and what they have done weekly . Would be a short post and would shed a negative light on our community .

  20. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Shame that the city manager, city council , mayor and or city administration shouldn't post their accomplishments and what they have done weekly . Would be a short post and would shed a negative light on our community .

  21. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I hear your last City Manager is looking for a job.

  22. Anonymous8:29 PM

    The Blaze has picked up this story.

  23. Just like in the case of President Trump’s tweets, mainstream ( drive-by) media hates direct posting of information, because they get left out, and lose their own power and control to spin the story in the direction they want to— usually to please their liberal cohorts .

    It’s really no different than George Washington hanging signs on an oak tree— the Technology is faster and more efficient

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  24. look there another blue dress11:04 PM

    So Hervey blames the "mainstream ( drive-by) media" for the information not being posted online?

    Or was this just another EIB regurgitated talking point posted for the purposes of fappery?

    Isn't there a Governor Greitens post or two needing your insightful commentary?

  25. Hope Govenor Greitens will post what’s going on in the State. Transparency is important.

    It will drive the mainstream media( drive by)insane because rhynlose their pier and conto spin the stories in a liberal manner.

    I hope Monica Lewinsky will be a special guest along with Juanita Broadford, and Paula jones at the thr State of the Union address
    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text
