Thursday, February 08, 2018

Community Development Block Grant update, tourism study on tap for Joplin City Council work session

Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Joplin, Missouri, will hold a work session beginning at 5:45 p.m. on Monday February 12, 2018, in the 5th Floor Council Chambers, 602 S. Main Street to discuss the following topics:

1. CDBG-DR Projects Update

2. Independent Tourism Study Update by Design Workshop, Becky Zimmerman, President

3. Pay Plan Update

4. Discussion of Use Tax Committee

5. Any other business


  1. IT'S a shame city leaders neglect benefits of tourism...the Joplin Museum is a prime example of unmet potential..I bet study is to promote baseball team ....

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    The museum is a waste of city money. No one goes there but they give them $200,000 a year anyway. I wonder how police officers and fire fighters feel about that.

  3. Anonymous1:44 PM

    They should look at the "pay plan" for our law enforcement personnel.
    They need a BIG Raise so we don't have so much turnover. They are losing more money having to constantly train and rehire than they would if they would just pay decent wages to begin with.

    As far as the baseball thing, that is old news and is all out of steam. We are stuck paying on a facility that they need to just open for schools or little league.

    Not the smartest group of city council members . . .

    Wasting grant & tax payers money.

  4. 144 tourism dollars would help revenues for badly needed also!!

  5. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I agree we need tourism but that crappy little stadium is not going to be our salvation.
    Should've used the money that was wasted on it to bring in industry. Good paying jobs bring more people to our city, therefore allowing us to expand and grow economically.

    Ignorant small-minded people in charge have always held Joplin back. Our population hasn't changed in decades, unless you count the population diminishing as a result of the tornado.

    You can build tourism with fast food joints/minimum wage jobs and no big companies willing to build here.

    Out of luck Joplin.
