Saturday, February 24, 2018

Joplin NEA endorses all three R-8 Board of Education candidates

The Joplin chapter of the National Education Association (JNEA) endorsed all three candidates for two seats on the Joplin R-8 Board Education following interviews held February 19 and 20.

A committee consisting of Crystal Stokes, William Keczkemethy, Kylie Compton and Chrissy Landburg interviewed incumbents Jeff Koch and Lori Musser and former board member Debbie Fort, who is running again after leaving the board after one three-year term.

Candidates answers to JNEA questions can be found at this link.


  1. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Do the JNEA members also support this endorsement or is this a decision made by the executive board? How can you endorse 3 candidates for 2 positions? Sounds like the teachers union is playing it safe.

  2. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Once again and as always, THANKS for letting me know who NOT to vote for. I guess I'll be writing in two candidates this time.

  3. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Koch needs to go...he has gotten the BIG EGO.
