Monday, February 05, 2018

Lieutenant governor wants to add $50,000 to budget: "I need a driver to help me get around the state"

(From Rep. Ingrid Burnett, D-Kansas City)

During testimony Jan. 30 before the House Budget Committee, Lt. Gov. Mike Parson requested a $50,000 boost in his office budget in part, so he can hire a personal driver. The lieutenant governor has by far the smallest budget and staff of the Missouri’s six statewide elected executive branch offices, which corresponds with the fact that it has by far the fewest official duties.

“I don’t have anybody to help drive,” said Parson, a Republican. “I would like to have a portion of that money to help where I can have somebody I can hire, at least part time, to help me get around the state.”

Parson claims to have traveled to nearly 150 places in Missouri during his first year as lieutenant governor. However, it is unclear how such an extensive amount of travel could be related to carrying out the duties of his office.

The lieutenant governor’s sole constitutional duty is to preside over the Senate, the location of which is fixed on the third-floor of the Missouri Capitol. By statute, the lieutenant governor also is a member of a few boards and commissions, but they mostly meet in Jefferson City or via conference call, requiring little or no need for taxpayer-funded travel.


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    He can drive his self around just like everybody else does he don't need a driver if he can't drive he don't need to be lieutenant governor.

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I quess the in part comment was to cover yourself since you failed to mention that also included legal services should it be needed. Would it tax your fingers to much to include it.

  3. Buzz Ball12:30 PM

    The driver also will be a part-time employee in Parson's office. So the entire $50,000 is not for a person to just drive. Parsons also represents the governor at many events that he can't attend. So I think it is not out of the ordinary to make such a request.

  4. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Bull Roar. The only reason he wants to travel the state is to campaign for his next election.

  5. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I believe he is entitled to this request. This is a big state. He has to perform many duties.
    Also, any elected official should have a driver/body guard to travel with them nowadays.
    I wouldn't want their thankless job, risk my life for alot of ungrateful people who would evwn begrudge me to have a driver.
    $50,000 is not too much to ask.

  6. Anonymous4:14 PM

    On a completely unrelated subject. . .
    YAY! #TomBradyLost

  7. Anonymous5:29 PM

    412...he should not have run....

  8. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Sorry Charley, or in this case, Mike, but the governor already ditch all them there cars, remember!!

  9. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Does the Lieutenant Governor not have a staff? Do they not travel with him? I do agree some travel is necessary for him, but I’m wondering why he needs a new position for this duty. I would think someone already on staff would travel with him.

  10. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I agree with 3:47--if he wants to start campaigning, let his fundraisers pay for a driver for him.

  11. Anonymous1:30 PM

    In other words he has a buddy that he want to hire for some easy money.

  12. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Buy yourself a Garmin. Save us $50,000. Another Moron. Just like his president.
