Monday, February 19, 2018

Neosho Mayor: Overwhelming majority of southwest Missourians favor AR-15 raffle

Neosho Mayor Ben Baker planted himself firmly on the side of a 9-and-under baseball team selling raffle tickets for an AR-15 rifle.

Baker indicated in a statement that those who are questioning the idea of children selling chances on the same kind of weapon that killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida are "hateful"  and that "the overwhelming majority of people in southwest Missouri," support the raffle.

Baker, who is a Republican candidate for the 160th District House of Representatives seat currently held by term-limited Rep. Bill Reiboldt, R-Seneca, has stressed his support of the Second Amendment in his campaign. He is a professor and dean of students at Ozark Bible Institute.

Reportedly, Baker will be interviewed about the AR-15 raffle tonight on ABC's Nightline.

His statement is printed below:

“I firmly support the raffle and think it should continue. I think its reprehensible that a handful of hateful people have attacked a good man that is trying to make a difference in our community by giving his time to mentor the youth. I don’t mind when people have an opposing view, this is America and I believe in the first amendment! But when you viciously attack the personal character of people for trying to do something good and misconstrue the facts to fit a narrative, that’s simply wrong. It should never be where a man is fearing for the safety of his family because he oversaw a gun raffle. We’re better than this! The overwhelming majority of people in southwest Missouri are behind Levi Patterson in support of the raffle, and the amount they are raising for the baseball team is showing that.”

Previous Article from Inquisitr


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Funny how you don't care about the thousands of school youth that are fearing for their lives.

  2. Anonymous5:58 PM

    It has to be something in the water in Neosho. You just do not find this kind of stupid free in the environment.

  3. Anonymous6:44 PM

    A professor at the local BuyBull kollege...that about says it all.


  4. Anonymous7:01 PM

    The poll that's being done by local news is currently at 66 to 38. That's hardly overwhelming support for the raffle.

  5. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Ben Baker is the same person who was spewing hate on talk radio, calling those opposed to this raffle “loud-mouth liberals”. How is this appropriate coming from the mayor of a town? The raffle is in poor taste at this time in our nation’s history.

  6. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I can't really think of a good argument in support of kids selling raffle tickets, the prize being a gun. There are too many other things they could give away, eg., tv, computer, iphone, weekend in Branson, etc.

  7. Anonymous9:32 PM

    @ Anonymous 7:02 - The raffle was started BEFORE the shooting. The timing is unfortunate, but certainly not in poor taste.

  8. Anonymous3:56 AM

    It's Neosho people. I'm surprised anyone expected better.

  9. Ben & 9:32 have it right. The rest of these blogs are outside agitators sponsored by Fake News

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  10. Anonymous4:56 AM

    How can I get in on this raffle?

  11. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Just what we need, another Bible Thumper in the State Legislature.

  12. Good Grief!8:04 AM

    Hey, Harvey, area code 303 is Colorado. Does that make you an "outside agitator"?
    Admittedly, I am not from Neosho, either; but, I'm not sponsored by Fake News. Another case of bad timing AND terrible optics. Hey, positive side: those kids are getting NATIONAL advertising for their raffle!
    Seriously, though, what do you shoot with an automatic rifle?

  13. You can criticize Ben for being a religious professor; but he has the courage to use his name; unlike cowards who blog as anonymous
    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  14. Anonymous9:34 AM

    How many Russian troll memes did Harvey (now in Colorado) repeat?

  15. Anonymous5:51 AM

    You do realize Neosho isn't the only city raffling off an ar-15 right. I'm sure they are all going to have record sales.

  16. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Harvey, you are a CRISIS Actor paid by the RWNJ conspiracy theorists that get their information straight from The National Enquirer or FAUX News! You might want to tell your russian troll buddies that your orange friend in the white house is in trouble and needs their help again.
