Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Portrait of George Washington Carver to be displayed at governor's mansion

(From Gov. Eric Greitens)

Today, Governor Eric Greitens announced that for the first time in Missouri history a portrait of an African-American will be displayed at the Governor’s Mansion. The portrait, depicting George Washington Carver, was painted by a Missouri artist, Joanna Reid.

“We hang this portrait today because George Washington Carver is one of us. He is a Missourian who came from very little, went very far, and left our country better for his time on Earth.

He began life as a slave—and he ended it a hero, someone praised throughout the world, someone honored by Presidents and Kings for his work feeding people and fixing farms. It is an honor to recognize his tremendous example,” said Governor Greitens.

“By creating a color image of George Washington Carver, I hoped to make his story and persona more real for this generation,” said Joanna Reid, the artist. “I want people to be enamored with the gentle intelligence in his expression. I hope they will find it memorable and want to know more about this multi-talented, genuine, brilliant scientist and personality. People should know about him, learn from him, and be inspired by him!

If I could say one thing to GWC about his legacy, I would say, ‘Thank you for your tireless, inspiring efforts to make a difference for struggling farmers, and thank you for taking the time to put many important ideas into memorable words.’ My favorite GWC quote is ‘How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because some day in life you will have been all of these.”

The portrait is to be presented at a Black History Month reception hosted by the Governor and First Lady. It will hang in the dining room of the Governor’s Mansion. The portrait will be available for the public to view tomorrow during normal touring hours. Tours of the Governor’s Mansion are available from 10:00 AM to 1:45 PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. For groups larger than 10, a reservation should be made.


  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    That is a good thing, to honor a fellow Missourian. I have enjoyed going to the Carver Monument since I was young.
    He was honorable and intelligent man who made many contributions to society, a great example.

  2. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Didn't he have to leave Missouri to obtain his education?

  3. Anonymous8:45 PM

    @6:08 Yes he did, though he was raised and educated by his white adopted parents until he was able to receive his high school diploma from a school in Kansas. He couldn't attend college in Kansas, either. He went to Iowa St. Agricultural for his Bachelor's work.

  4. He preferred to go to Iowa in order to study with a particular professor; just like millions of students do all over the world every day( or sports or drama, band, etc.)
    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

  5. i know FAKE NEWS when I see it7:38 PM

    He preferred to go to Iowa in order to study with a particular professor;


    "George Washington Carver was one of many children born to Mary and Giles, an enslaved couple owned by Moses Carver. A week after his birth, George was kidnapped along with his sister and mother from the Carver farm by raiders from the neighboring state of Arkansas. The three were sold in Kentucky. Among them only the infant George was located by an agent of Moses Carver and returned to Missouri.

    The conclusion of the Civil War in 1865 brought the end of slavery in Missouri. Moses Carver and his wife, Susan, decided to keep George and his brother James at their home after that time, raising and educating the two boys. Susan Carver taught George to read and write, since no local school would accept black students at the time.

    The search for knowledge would remain a driving force for the rest of George's life. As a young man, he left the Carver home to travel to a school for black children 10 miles away. It was at this point that the boy, who had always identified himself as "Carver's George" first came to be known as "George Carver." Carver attended a series of schools before receiving his diploma at Minneapolis High School in Minneapolis, Kansas.

    Accepted to Highland College in Highland, Kansas, Carver was denied admittance once college administrators learned of his race. Instead of attending classes, he homesteaded a claim, where he conducted biological experiments and compiled a geological collection.

    While interested in science, Carver was also interested in the arts. In 1890, he
    began studying art and music at Simpson College in Iowa, developing his painting and drawing skills through sketches of botanical samples. His obvious aptitude for drawing the natural world prompted a teacher to suggest that Carver enroll in the botany program at the Iowa State Agricultural College.

    Carver moved to Ames and began his botanical studies the following year as the first black student at Iowa State. Carver excelled in his studies. Upon completion of his Bachelor of Science degree, Carver's professors Joseph Budd and Louis Pammel persuaded him to stay on for a master's degree. His graduate studies included intensive work in plant pathology at the Iowa Experiment Station. In these years, Carver established his reputation as a brilliant botanist and began the work that he would pursue for the remainder of his career."

  6. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Harvey there is something you should know. Your blog comments serve as a constant reminder that Tanghipahoa Parish produces some of the finest fruits and nuts in all of 'Murrica.

  7. Randy, you said that yesterday
    Not necessary to repeat two days in a row.

    And I’ll repeat from yesterday as well: your dialect and dialogue writing is very entertaining as you mock and make fun of us deplorables

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

  8. 7:38( who ever you are)
    I said a particular professor, you list two, so what’s the problem?
    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

  9. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Harvey -

    Stylistically 9:29 isn't Randy. He puts his name on his work and doesn't use dialect. Someone else is quite adept at it, though. Sounds like James W Riley or Earl T Pitts; but one's passed on and doubt the other's here making comments.

    The difference between your response and 7:38's is more than one vs two professors. You indicated Dr. Carver had a choice. The more complete explanation is that he was refused undergraduate work in Kansas based on race. He was accepted in Iowa based on his ability. "Upon completion of his Bachelor of Science degree, Carver's professors Joseph Budd and Louis Pammel persuaded him to stay on for a master's degree." - 7:38 Thank you, information is well presented and appreciated.
