Sunday, March 04, 2018

Billy Long on the importance of investing in infrastructure

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

Missouri has the seventh most highway miles of any state, and not to mention the railroad traffic and an intricate lock and dam system on our rivers. What do they have in common? They all need to be updated. After years of neglect, our infrastructure is deteriorating. This is an issue that hits every part of the U.S. As President Trump said from day one, it’s time to rebuild our country’s infrastructure with American heart, American hands and American grit. The president, along with the help of Congress, has a plan to tackle this problem.

Infrastructure issues come in all shapes and sizes. From 2011 to 2016, potholes on our roads cost drivers $15 billion in damages. The average driver was paying $300 for these fixes. And when 39 percent of Americans have no money in their savings accounts, a simple fix like that becomes a huge expense that some struggle to afford or simply cannot afford. The Federal Highway Administration estimates that for every dollar invested in our roads, bridges and highways, the average savings will be $5.20 per dollar invested. These savings will come in the form of less yearly maintenance costs for roads, bridges, highways and vehicles if we made this infrastructure investment.

With 4 million miles of roads and more than 600,000 bridges in the U.S., investing in infrastructure is essential, especially when individuals such as first responders and school bus drivers are relying on it every day. Just recently, the American Society of Civil Engineers released a report that gave the U.S. a D+ rating for its infrastructure. It should come as no surprise that 84 percent of Americans agree that we need to invest in our infrastructure.

Sadly, Missouri isn’t much better. The American Society of Civil Engineers gave Missouri a C- rating for its infrastructure. Of the 131,549 miles of public roads, 24 percent of them are in poor condition, and of the 2,098 bridges, nearly 13 percent are in poor condition. Similar to the federal level, Missouri also needs significant investment in its infrastructure including locks and dams.

Recently, President Trump announced his plan to fix our crumbling infrastructure. This plan includes a $200 billion investment from the federal government that would spur a $1.5 trillion infrastructure investment across states, localities and the private sector. Of the $200 billion that would be invested, $100 billion would go towards an Incentives Program that would encourage additional funds to go towards infrastructure programs at the different levels. The rest goes towards a variety of projects, initiatives and streamlining the permit process.

And as for the unnecessary red tape that stalls investment and innovation, that too would be addressed and fixed. The time it takes to get permits for infrastructure projects would not only be streamlined, but also shortened. Congress has worked towards fixing this issue in the past, but there is still a lot more work to be done.

Since the 1990s, the U.S. has continually failed to receive a “passing” grade when it comes to infrastructure. That’s about to change. There are few things we agree on here in Washington, but investing in infrastructure is one of them.


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I cannot wait for Trump to add the toll booths to our Interstates.

  2. Anonymous8:33 AM

    STOP. You just gave tax cuts to companies that didn't even need them, raising the debt to $30,000,000,000,000 (Trillion) and go on a spending spree. Where are these funds supposed to come from now? Please don't say they'll pay for themselves in the future. Removing those pesky rules and regulations, like environmental impact, engineering and public input ... How does that save our future? Are you talking about privatizing ownership and operation of highways, bridges and canals? Having driven I-44 through Oklahoma, that's not a viable answer! Don't say, "As soon as the investment and profit are recouped, they'll be returned to public ownership." Name ONE toll that's ever been removed because it's all paid-up. Big promises, little information here.

  3. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Think you can pay for all this on a 25 cent per gallon gas tax? The poorest people will just cut down on their driving: Remember when it got near $4 a gallon?. Think this is going to be funded by the states; Kansas, OK, Missouri, WV aren't even funding education properly. Selling bonds is the same as adding debt. Don't disagree there's a need for improvement, but congress just gave away our means to pay. DANG! Hate it when reality rears it ugly mug!

  4. Anonymous9:53 AM

    There are only two places that removed the tolls when the projects were paid for. Kentucky removed the tolls on it's Pike System and New Orleans removed the toll on one bridge.

  5. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Never show up to address your citizens and now you, after 8 years, are thinking of fixing what was broke when Obama wanted them fixed. What a farce. Sure, fix things now after inflation has added cost to things for your corporate sponsors and get more campaign contributions for spending in Las Vegas. This party, republicans, is the worse excuse for government for and by the citizen. The new Interstate from Joplin to Arkansas is so poorly constructed it will need major repairs in a few years. Potholes everywhere and what has been fixed is nothing short of throwing cold mix in a hole and watching it shrink or blow out after a little snow or freezing rain. Whole state has become a joke. Autobahn in Germany was done in the 30's and is still running true. Base and more base is needed and reputable concrete firms delivering good concrete with honest laydown machines. BS Bubba is what you are.

  6. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Billy Blob Long said "There are few things we agree on here in Washington, but investing in infrastructure is one of them." Where were you during the Obama administration when this was brought up? Oh, that't right, you were part of the Obstructionist party and deficit hawks. So now you can spend freely by cutting the taxes for your rich owners and corporations that should be paying for this. When are you going to tell us that your orange buffoon in the white house is going to increase gasoline tax and make all the highways toll roads? You may want to make sure you and your lobbyist bribes make it to the Vegas buffets every chance you get because more and more Missourians are seeing, and FINALLY realizing, what a worthless pile you really are.

  7. Anonymous3:13 PM

    1031- He knows that the SW MO Repubs will vote for him no matter what. It does not matter that taxes were cut for the wealthy and now the State wants to raise gas taxes to fix the roads, which will be paid by the little guy. Even though they know they are being played, they will line up in obedient fashion come November.

  8. Anonymous5:58 AM

    His name could be Beelzebubba (Lord of the lies) and these hicks would still vote for him because he has that "R" beside his name.
