Saturday, March 24, 2018

Emma Simon: March for Our Lives comes to Joplin

(The author of this post, Emma Simon is a senior at Joplin High School.)

With the sun being out and a cool breeze in the air, it was a beautiful day to March for Our Lives. The Green Alliance of Southwest Missouri put the event on, but they let us students have the lead. Not only were we the speakers, but we were the chanters and the organizers.

We used our First Amendment rights as young adults to stand for something we truly believe in and that affects us every school day.

We [the speakers/organizers] walked together to the meeting spot with the rest of the protesters. I had a small knot in my stomach because I was worried, like many of us were, that no one would show up. But as we approached the meeting place, we saw a huge mass of people - waiting for us. It became real. We were doing something important. And adults were not only noticing our message, but they were supporting it.

As I looked into the crowd, I saw the faces of veterans, teachers, parents and peers who were just as angry as we were.

We started down Main Street shouting chants such as “That’s alright, NRA. We are going to vote you out someday” and “What does democracy sound like? This is what democracy sounds like.” Walking several blocks, we ended up in the Spiva Park, where we would all speak.

Each student speech varied in tone, some angry and some giving emotional testimonies on their first hand experiences with gun violence. After all the speakers, we let anyone who wanted to say something come up and do so. We heard stories of lost family members by guns. And those who had horrifying run ins with people who had access to guns - who shouldn’t have.

While the crowd sat in the sun for over an hour listening to speech after speech and screaming chant after chant, they never once lost engagement. Many had tears running down their faces. I had one lady come up to me and ask how she could donate to our cause. It was invigorating to finally be heard and to know that there were so many community members who support us.

Even though the national marches are over, the movement and the conversation it entails about gun control legislature still continues.

The #NeverAgain movement will not rest until something is done to protect students lives. Our jobs should be going to school, doing our homework, maybe having a part-time job to pay our car insurance. It should not be worrying about whether or not we are going to die trying to get an education.

For those who wanted to be there in support - but couldn’t be - still get involved. Go to a Green Alliance or Southwest Missouri Democrats meetings. Write your legislators. Hear your students. But most of all, speak up for what you believe in.


  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Yet another little special snowflake trying to do away with the Second Amendment.

    Perhaps we should put up another no-guns sign so that nuts with illegal guns can decide to turn away and not shoot up the defenseless school.

    She needs to go someplace where it is safe, like Columbine or Broward Florida where the police will save your lives from crazed gunmen.

  2. Fantastic work, Ms. Simon, and great respect to the other students and the Green Party supporters.
    We were at the Pittsburg version, across the state line, and it was similarly energetic, with PHS students taking center stage and speaking their minds with great power.
    Gives a middle-aged guy hope.

  3. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I wonder if they saw the Great Mills High School in Maryland where the students were saved by a guard with a gun who shot and killed the attacker. Nobody wants to talk about that. If the news media went wall to wall with that story where the active shooter was shot instead of wall to wall coveragbe of the mass murders of UNARMED citizens, maybe the message would get out that if you bring a gun to kill innocent people you will likely get shot. These students seem to be victims of left wing propaganda, and what they marched for will have just the opposie effect of what they desire.

  4. Anonymous8:53 PM

    There is a reason the world is not ran by children.

  5. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Does calling those school children “UNARMED citizens” make their young, bloodied, dead bodies, now cold in the ground, easier to take?

    While considering the possibility of getting shot would likely deter some, the shooter frequently kills himself anyway. So what’s going to deter those would be shooters?

    Why is it those playing the second amendment card fail to acknowledge the first amendment? It must be more important because it was #1.
    The students were exercising their rights under that amendment, yet their rights/opinions are dismissed because of their “snowflake” mentality and “left wing propaganda”.

    Maybe, just maybe, they want the adults to do something so they can simply feel safe at school.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      They are simply asking adults to make their schools safe. It makes me proud that those so young are courageous enough to speak out.Those who dismiss and criticize such courage should be ashamed.

    2. Anonymous3:59 PM

      The NRA owns the Republican Congress and our pos prez. Wake up people

    3. Anonymous5:01 AM

      If the NRA doesn't own a politician, some other organization does. It is all a game and we all suffer at their hands. NRA isn't the only boogeyman out there.

  6. Anonymous10:35 PM

    8:53—yeah, the adults are doing such a great job.

    1. Anonymous11:35 PM

      Brilliant. Nevermind that with age comes life experience and wisdom. Hell, let's allow 5 year olds to vote. Pokemon and Chewbacca would make great senators.

      I will assume you are one of those self loathing types who feel humans in general are a plight on the Earth. Take your idiotic thought process one step more and we should all happily put the dogs in charge because after all humans in general have done such a great job.

      Hurry along now, I think your kids are wanting to give you some helpful advice about life.

  7. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Might want to take these young people a little more seriously. THEY WILL BE VOTING SOON. They are experiencing America at its finest—the right to protest, come together and be a force for change. Looking back at history, that’s how waves of change start. I hope they keep the momentum going and I can’t wait to see how politicians respond. Somewhere, sometime, voters become more important than campaign donations. I just hope I’m still around!!!

  8. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I'll bet not one word was spoken about teen suicide, which has taken far more young lives in this area, just in the past 12 months, than gun violence has taken from the same age group, in several years combined.

    And, I like how she says the event was put on by a political party, but in the same sentence says that it was organized by students. Which was it?

  9. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Keep them scared. Keep them under control.

  10. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Do the kids want all guns taken away from citizens, or do they want stricter laws? I wonder how each of us would feel if our child was murdered at school?

  11. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I appreciate your exercise of your first amendment rights, why can’t you appreciate me exercising my second amendment rights?

  12. Anonymous6:37 AM

    And the RWNJs go nuts crying about a ban on military/assault weapons being a ban on ALL guns. Typical. Try to comprehend the fact that not all guns were manufactured to be used in the military to kill people with. Why do you need military grade weapons? In case the gub'ment come after you? Gonna go all rebel on 'em? Of course if your buddy der Trumpenfuhrer keeps sucking up to Putin we might all need them military weapons right?

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      why does anyone need a house with two garages? Why does anyone need a 12 oz steak instead of an 8 oz? Why does anyone need two children instead of none? Why does anyone need a blue shirt instead of a red shirt? Why do women need abortions instead of birth control pills?

      Because the can. Because of freedom of choice. It is a slippery slope to take away any freedom, even in the name of protection.

  13. Anonymous6:57 AM

    "Nevermind that with age comes life experience and wisdom." Uh, yea. Did you ever hear that old saying that "Experience is the best teacher"? Well there is another part to that and it is "But only a fool will learn no other way." Learn from the fact that nut jobs and radicals are using military style weapons to do their bidding. They want to kill as many people as they can, as fast as they can before they get taken out. Why does anyone other than military or law enforcement need an assault weapon? OK......wait for it......uh, because the bad guy might have one. Well the bad guy may have grenades, bazookas and flamethrowers too. You gonna run right out and buy some of those? And again, to keep it simple, they are not saying to ban all guns. Try actually reading about it instead of listening to your NRA paid for politician's lies about it.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      First of all... go f yourself, because I never one time voiced any support for the NRA. The NRA is a political machine just like any other political machine on the left or right, it is only concerned with power and money. My statement was made concerning allowing children to tell us how we should live.

      By the way, your example of escalating weapons is kind of a stupid defense. After all an escalation of defensive weapons is what kept the U.S. and the U.S.S.R from coming to blow for many years.
      Now, why don't you go read something and stop spewing reactionary, emotion charged propaganda?

  14. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Passing by as the event was breaking-up, lots of folks were walking away. Glad there was such a turn-out. The number of adults accompanying young people was striking and heartening. There were people of all ages involved. Proud of the young ones for taking part! Proud of the elders for supporting them!

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      The kids needed someone to drive them there.

  15. Anonymous8:54 AM

    When either side of the debate uses demeaning insults, stereotypes and same old rhetoric, it just shows they can’t or won’t defend their position with thoughtful logic and insight. It makes it difficult to respect the opinion or give it any credence.

  16. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Let me remind all the ignorant adults and those who have forgotten your history that we were thought when we went to school: we have children who can't even own a gun, let alone vote on the issue, protesting our right to own a gun. The government indoctrination of children telling the adults what to do. These kids are not being educated, they're being trained. Clearly, you adults who support these kids' "First Ammendment" right have forgot your history. This is EXACTLY what was done by Hitler before he took their guns and murdered his way to the top. Wake up adults. There's a reason we send kids to school and there's a greater reason why they don't run this country.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      9:01 am... thank you for being sane.

  17. Anonymous9:33 AM

    What makes you people think that your right to own a military weapon is more important than these kid's right to stay alive? Nobody is going to take your damned guns but you had best get used to the idea that guns can and will be regulated. If you want a military style weapon then join the damned Army.

  18. Anonymous10:31 AM

    The NRA hasn't killed anyone, Mentally ill crazy people kill people. And the Coward County Sheriff's department that completely failed to do their duty in February , much blame to go around there... I will not be swayed by a bunch of snowflake , indoctrinated children. Proud member of the NRA! I will not surrender to the likes of Hitler, learn your history little Missy..

  19. Anonymous10:36 AM

    At 11:49 Haters gonna Hate? Isn't that the leftest narrative? Accuse your opponent of exactly what you are doing??? The only true bigots and haters in this country are the leftist loons, plain and simple. Good luck trying to ever take guns from law abiding citizens , Pro 2nd Amendment.

  20. Anonymous11:02 AM

  21. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Why stop with one kind of gun? They should all be banned. There is no reason for anyone to own a gun. Protection is just a cop out. The only reason to have a gun is because you are scared. Tiny little people (men) hiding in their basements afraid that someone will infringe on their whiteness and their raping. Gun owners and bigots and homophobes go hand in hand. We will never have Utopia as long as the old guard keep us chained to the past. Free yourself and free your children of the burden that is reliance on weapons of war and thoughts of war. White, old men better be listening to the sound of the new calvary thundering over the hill. That calvary is the children who are tired of the political crap. They are the future here now to save us from ourselves. The eyes of the children see through it all.

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Utopia??? Sounds like you're dreaming of a Banana republic... Old white men? Rapists? That Calvary coming over the hill will more than likely be those 2nd Amendment folks that will never give up their right to bear arms.... I believe in Unicorns too so does that mean they exist? Utopia,,, so laughable .

  22. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I’m a lot more afraid of what the government could do to us just by using our phones/computer/data.

    Trying to take our guns would be to obvious. But our phones. Most everyone has that personal tracking device. Our data — companies pay big bucks to have it. Amazon knows what I want before I do, using my recent items browsed. You Tube and Netflix knows what videos I might like. It’s already been reported Russians meddled in our election by using social media to influence voters. It’s not uncommon to hear news reports of someone trying to hack into all kinds of computer systems. We’re all just sitting ducks.

    I’m not a big believer in conspiracy theories but that sh*t scares me.

    No one needs to take our guns to control us. The means is already in our hands literally and we voluntarily put it there. In fact, we spend a lot of money making sure we and our kids have them 24/7.

    Our whole world is controlled by computers. Just one computer error can wreak havoc in our personal lives. Anyone wishing to do evil only needs the know how and a keyboard. A gun isn’t going to protect any of us from that. The saddest part for me is — you can have my iPhone when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

  23. Anonymous12:07 PM

    By some of the comments made here, its a little scary to think of the commenters owning a gun. It shows such disregard and disrespect for those with different points of view.

    It’s hard to respect an opinion that requires belittling someone to be expressed.

  24. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Wow. You are now crying about Hitler? Your Hitler is who you elected to the white house. Der Trumpenfuhrer is crying for a "line item veto". He praises Putin for winning an election and curses the truth. He "fires" anyone who doesn't kiss his ass and praise him. You have the gall to call kids who have been in the war zone "indoctrinated" because they don't want to be shot at again? Do you have any reason that you think these kids can't reason for themselves? Just being republican doesn't cut it. Although the republicans hate education that allows people to become independent thinkers, some still manage to read and draw conclusions on their own based on actual fact and not some rhetoric that they have been brainwashed into. That is your (Republican) indoctrination. Answer one simple question....why do you need a military/assault weapon? Answer that question. I am interested in reading the response. Try to keep the name calling to a minimum because that shows a lack of intelligence by trying to intimidate instead of reason through it.

    1. Anonymous8:46 PM

      You sound Insane. Ranting like there is a difference between Republican and Democrat. Call leaders of one side out when the leaders of the side you follow do the same things or worse. They want to drive a wedge between us an keep us all confused and the likes of you allow it to happen.

      Sheep sheep sheep everywhere.

    2. Anonymous4:20 AM

      @8:46 “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and wouldn’t lose any voters” -Donald Trump

      But the other side are sheep?

      I think the belligerence (and uninteligibility) of your comments suggest that you know deep in your heart, as most of the world already knows, that you are on the wrong side of history. You are threatened by the left because you know they are on the right side of history and someday you will have to justify yourself, just as those who opposed the end of slavery, and the civil rights movement.

    3. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Read my comment slowly... very slowly because you apparently have trouble with comprehension. "Ranting like there is a difference between Republican and Democrat.." Does that sound like I have any allegiance to either the right or the left or does that sound like I think both are the same? Again, read it slowly. Ask for help from a loved one, if need be. Don't accuse me of being on the wrong side of anything until you can actually understand what I am saying. The only thing I am threatened by is the SHEEP like you who blindly follow ideology and while pretending that you have some kind intellectual high ground.
      Learn how to read.

  25. Anonymous6:24 PM

    At one time there was a utopia, the garden of eden.

    2 adults messed that up. LOL

  26. Anonymous8:37 PM

    What kind of adult attacks a high school student for writing an opinion piece? These comments are shameful and uninformed. I suggest that the syncophant who is writing the bulk of these comments stick to running his plumbing business and stop attacking children. Pathetic.

    1. Anonymous4:59 AM

      Plumbing business? So small business owners are the bad guys?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Anonymous8:50 PM

    SWMO is worried.....look out, here cones the BLUE WAVE!!

    1. Anonymous5:09 AM

      Blue wave is a generic version of Pepsi cola syrup that can be bought in bulk to use at concession stands or for home use, if you happen to have a carbonated. Red wave is the Coke version. Neither is an exact representation of the originals, but much cheaper and close enough in taste for most.

  28. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Mr. Turner, there are now over 40 comments on this story. What is the record for comments on your blog?

  29. I don't know the exact total, but I can remember that some of the Joplin R-8 School posts received more than 100 comments. This is the most I have seen in quite a while.

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Do you think the number of posts on this subject truly reflects most readers passion on the subject or is this just the latest hot button topic?

  30. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Many of these students look to be 16, 17 or 18 years old. They will eligible to vote very soon. I would be interested to know the number of students in this age group in the country. Banded together, they certainly could be a force to reckon with at the polls.

    Minimizing, criticizing and name calling is only going to make them more determined to be heard. Remember being that age? If you don’t like their point of view, better to RESPECTFULLY disagree and learn to negotiate.

    In the voting booths, the vote carries equal weight. Whether 18 or 88, experienced older adult or 18 still living with parents, the vote counts just the same.

    I’m not sure why people discount them as kids for marching and protesting, yet have no problem sending them to war in a year or two.

  31. Anonymous2:13 PM

    One one hand the Left wants laws anywhere from stricter gun laws and banning assault weapons all the way to total elimination of guns from society, depending on who you talk to.

    But then the Left chooses to have sanctuary cities and intentionally and willfully go against the laws. What good then are new laws? How can it be both ways?

    Perhaps timing is key as there are fewer and fewer holocaust survivors left today to tell the stories of how guns were taken away and what happened next. When history is forgotten or rewritten, it is soon to be repeated.

    I do not see how any of the proposed gun laws would have made any difference in all of the school shootings unless we have the total elimination of guns from society. At that point we have a much bigger problem than school shootings.

    If guns were somehow controlled or even eliminated then wouldn't these crazy people use cars used to kill, or bombs (Austin Texas), or something else?

    To me the problem with school shooting is much bigger than guns, these guns have been around for decades, but the school and mass shootings seem to have escalated in recent years. Why? Maybe we are asking the wrong question?

    Kuddos to the youth for their organization and willingness to stand up and speak. I may disagree with some of their solutions, but let's make this a starting point for a much bigger, all inclusive discussion on what can be done to make schools safer...something we all can agree that needs to happen somehow.

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      The problem with the youth rallies is that they may seem like grassroots but the first rallies that happened after the shootings happened quickly and were well organized. Someone is financing them and using the youth of America as pawns.

  32. Anonymous2:30 PM

    @11:17 You’re right; it was early and I misread the bulk of your comment. If I can admit that, can you admit that your original comment was poorly written? Also, my comment gave no indication as to my political ideology, only that I misread, so there is no basis for your name-calling, but have a terrific day anyway! :)

  33. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Well, my comment was not poorly written it was poorly read. You admitted that you commented before actually fully understanding what I had written which included you assuming sentiments that were not there. Your comment most surely made it crystal clear that you follow the ideology of the left which is the ideology of the Democrat party. Don't be ashamed of it, be true to yourself.

    And by the way, I had a remarkable day.

  34. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I'm not clear on what financing is needed?? At a local level, what expenses would there be beyond gas money to drive to the rally?

    I could see them receiving guidance or direction on how to organize. So what?

    To say someone is using them as pawns minimizes the students credibility. It sounds like they're just naive kids, easily manipulated. While I believe they are young and naive, they still have the brains to see if anything is going to change, their generation is going to have to do it. But say you're 100% correct. Someone had the foresight to get the kids on their side and use them. That's a good strategy. Maybe the opposition could take a page from their playbook and stop saying things that alienate them.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      If 15, 16, 17 year old kids are able to use their brains and form solid opinions, which I believe in some cases to be true, then why not lower the legal driving age, the legal drinking age, (in states where legal) the legal marijuana age, the legal voting age, the legal age to marry, the legal age of consent and so on and so on. Forget guns for a minute. Forget protesting laws for a minute. Let's talk about kids and these other issues.

      Can't wait to hear someone defend the age of consent being lowered because kids are generally rational and generally have sound judgement...

  35. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Apparently society is satisfied with the age limits imposed on teenagers for the various topics. There hasn't been any public outcry against what's in place.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      It is a shame...

  36. Anonymous4:34 AM

    846- I think it reflects how ignorant people are. We have had pay, pensions, insurance, etc taken away and the stories barely register any comments over the years. But any subject on this site that involves the sacred AR 15, well, thems fightin words. I cannot wait to leave this pathetic state.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      It is sad, but that is what the people in power want. Everyone fighting with each other over nonsense and not paying attention to important things. Both sides have been duped.

      Leaving the state won't help. This is a problem as a nation, not just a state problem.

  37. Anonymous5:46 AM

    @9:30 PM. So these kids are being used as pawns. Then by that reasoning I could say that the people that voted for Trump were pawns used by Putin..............Oh my God! Your right!
