Monday, March 26, 2018

Message to Turner Report and KZRG trolls: Students are not using their First Amendment rights to take away your Second Amendment rights

If someone had trademarked the phrase "Those students are using their First Amendment rights to take away our Second Amendment rights" before Saturday's March for Our Lives that person would never have to work again.

That phrase or statements close to it were splattered across the KZRG Facebook comments on posts about the national rallies and the one in Joplin.

The phrase also made it to the Turner Report after a first-person account of Joplin's March for Our Lives written by Joplin High School senior Emma Simon was posted Saturday night.

The phrase sounds clever, but as with many phrases that sound clever it has no substance and no accuracy.

While there may have been speakers who would like to see all guns eliminated and a couple of signs of that nature were cherrypicked for the photos that ran on right wing propaganda sites, for the most part no one seemed to have any problem with people keeping guns for their own protection or for hunting.

You could not tell that from some of the commenters on this site and the KZRG site.

Some attacked the teenagers for addressing gun violence, but not doing something about bullying, which has led to that type of violence in some instances.

That was a cheap shot.

The children who were in downtown Joplin Saturday are the kind who have become involved in efforts to curb bullying in their high schools. Apparently, they are not as one-dimensional as some of their critics.

Others pointed out that more people are killed by handguns in Chicago than are killed in school shootings. That has been a fixture of the Second Amendment arguments on Fox News.

Obviously, these people were not paying any attention to the speakers and interviews from Washington, D. C. High school students from Chicago, Washington, and other inner cities were included. It was not a bunch of rich "snowflakes" from Florida.

And let's get one thing straight- Anyone who uses the phrase "useful idiot" should only do so when standing in front of a mirror and addressing himself.

There were the commenters who likened the local teens to Hitler Youth and described how they have been brainwashed by the left. Most of the people who made those comments used similar phrasings and made exactly the same points, almost as if they had been brainwashed by the right. I will be charitable and grant that neither side has been brainwashed.

Many of the critics of the students admonished them for not knowing their history. They don't know the value of the Second Amendment or they don't know about how confiscation of weapons led to the rise of Nazi Germany.

Perhaps that would he an apt historical reference if these kids were actually trying to take away Second Amendment rights. Their reading of history does not indicate the Second Amendment applies to every weapon from handguns to atom bombs.

Of course, there were the critics who put down the students because it is not possible for teenagers to think intelligently about any subject, unless the students' thoughts happened to agree with theirs. If they thought in any other way, it had to be because they were being influenced by some outside group, or even worse, by those godless public school teachers.

It only makes sense that students who are interested in becoming active on an issue of importance would seek older people with more experience who would know what steps they needed to take to make their voices heard. Thus, the mentions of the Southwest Missouri Democrats and the Green Alliance in Emma Simon's post.

Instead of worrying about the deadly lessons of Mein Kampf, perhaps the critics should have read a more enlightening and uplifting book- David Halberstam's The Children, in which he details the efforts of the Freedom Riders, most of them college and high school age, including such people as John Lewis and Diane Nash, who braved violent attacks as they attempted to desegregate the Jim Crow south in the early '60s.

The book tells how the young people did connect with Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and while they valued King's advice, they did not always follow it.

Young people can think for themselves.

Thankfully, at this point Emma Simon and the others from Joplin, Webb City, and other schools  across the nation are not having to face the kind of immediate violence that the Freedom Riders faced, at least not as they make their voices heard.

The fear is that nothing will be done until more young people are killed in yet another school shooting.

Last week, a shooting took place at a Maryland high school and the shooter was taken out by an armed security officer.

One Turner Report commenter noted that the media did not cover that because it did not fit in with the story they want to get across.

That is another ridiculous statement.

The story was all over the news.

Armed security guards have become a necessity in today's schools and increasing them is certainly a step toward protecting children.

Improved access to mental health and identification of people who do not have any business having guns and making sure these people do not fall through bureaucratic loopholes is something that should also happen.

Strengthened background checks are a must.

We should study the effects of violent video games and movies.

All of those things should happen.

Any plan to address gun violence in this country, however, has to look at guns. That is common sense. The idea that if we keep adding more guns that safety will increase and we do not need to examine the types of weapons that are available and whether those weapons should be available is an open invitation to more violence.

My guess is there are many gun owners who agree that something needs to be done- not to take away their Second Amendment rights but to address a situation and weapons that our forefathers could never have anticipated.

And then there are other gun owners who will take to the comments sections of KZRG to verbally attack high school students who had the courage to take their message to the streets.

Emma Simon: March for Our Lives Comes to Joplin

The real story of the successes and failures of the City of Joplin and the Joplin R-8 School District after the tornado- Silver Lining in a Funnel Cloud.


  1. The Maryland Officer was a true hero; the Broward County resource officer , reporting to an idiot lying Sheriff was a coward.
    President Trumps plan to C&C teachers ( at extra pay and training) is the way to go, just like the airline Marshall’s. I am against a 21 age limit. If we register 18 year old males for the draft, send them overseas to have their ass shot off, they should be entitled to purchase anything a 28 year old can.
    I recently purchased a handgun in Joplin and went through an hour long background check. The retail person tells me it always takes an hour or more, I believe in checking for mental stability, etc., and would be OK with a 3 or 7 day waiting period if that were added to Missouri and/or Joplin/Jasper Cody law, and a requirement to routinely go to the practice range for brush up on safety and handling.

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  2. Anonymous5:34 AM

    If both sides of this arguement agree that looking at mental health issues and stricter background checks need to be done, why not do that? If these people are interested in only making schools safer, why not take the compromise that is easily obtainable and that everyone agrees on instead of going to down a path that will cause division? This is the problem when things get political. This issue is as sticky and divisive as the abortion issue. Stop the talk of any kind of gun ban and simply work on the things that everyone agrees on.

  3. Anonymous8:27 AM

    So if it is OK for an 18 year old to buy a gun then they are also old enough to voice their own opinion. They are not advocating to take away all guns. Just the military/assault weapons. Why does anyone, other than military or law enforcement, need this type of weapon anyway? Your so called president even stated “Take the guns first, go through due process second.” Why not just make sure the background check is thorough and keeps anyone with a red flag from being able to purchase a gun in the first place? The waiting period is already a law in a few states but to make it effective, it should be a federal law. That would give ample time for a thorough background check.
    Here is a brief summary of a study from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America:

    "Our results show that waiting periods reduce gun homicides. Waiting periods for gun purchases are supported not only by the American Medical Association but also by a majority of Americans and a majority of gun owners. Our point estimates, based on 45 y of data, suggest that the 17 states (including the District of Columbia) with waiting periods as of 2014 avoid ∼750 gun homicides. Expanding the waiting period policy to states that do not currently have it would prevent an additional 910 gun homicides per year. Waiting periods would therefore reduce gun violence without imposing any restrictions on who can own a gun."

    Here is the link if you would like to read the findings and the methods used to come to this conclusion.

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      hy does anyone need a house with two garages? Why does anyone need a 12 oz steak instead of an 8 oz? Why does anyone need two children instead of none? Why does anyone need a blue shirt instead of a red shirt? Why do women need abortions instead of birth control pills?

  4. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Just a thought, to call someone with a different viewpoint than your own a troll isn't very open minded and not very conducive to finding solutions.

  5. how confiscation of weapons led to the rise of Nazi Germany.

    As a historian, and a Jew, I have to point out that this is a myth. Not only did Nazi Germany support expanded gun ownership for citizens, but even Jews who were barred from gun ownership managed to get hold of them in large numbers for dozens of armed uprisings against ethnic cleansing operations.

    It's a big difference between confiscation from political opponents and regulation that establishes reasonable minimums of responsibility and liability.

    Also, doesn't anybody else use names on this board?

  6. We have grown so used to the level of comments that are left on some of these issues, guns being one of them, that we no longer seem to recognize the difference between stating an opinion in a way that encourages discussion and trolling. Anonymous 8:42, I have no problems whatsoever in printing viewpoints other than my own and I do not consider people who do not agree with me to be trolling.

    I do find it to be trolling when the commenters find it necessary ro insult and bully anyone who does not agree with them. A clever dig now and then does not bother me, but when people start trotting out the "useful idiots" nonsense and start bringing in Nazi Germany (which was done by people on both sides of this and I am not referring to you, Mr. Dresner, your comments were well reasoned) they drag down the level of the discussion and guarantee the insult cycle will continue.

  7. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I support the idea of mental health issues being part of the process of gun purchases. But, how would that be done? How would the decision be made, what would the criteria be? Who would make the decision? Would it be based on subjective or objective opinion? Would it require reporting citizens mental health records? How would it be done in a fair manner? Would there be a list?

    I'd like to read ideas people might have, I certainly don't have any ideas, just questions.

    BTW-great article Randy

  8. Anonymous11:29 AM

    This continuing discussion is one of the reasons the students and adults who participate in demonstrations should be proud of themselves! (You, too, Mr. T for providing the forum.)

    Please read this article:

  9. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Of course this "special snowflake" is advocating "sensible gun control" -- which means whatever her kind wants it to mean, i.e. a stealth campaign to disarm white males while letting non-whites to run wild robbing, raping and killing. If she gets her way then from the age of 18 to 21 she will face an additional three years in which she won't be able to protect herself from those trying to rob, rape or kill her bust rather wait until the police show up to collect evidence from her cadaver.

    What I especially like is hearing a crooked failed journalist like yourself claiming to love the First Amendment but . . .

    Your gun control policy is like your moderation policy. First you impose "sensible" moderation policies in the form of a ban against certain personalities and views. All the while expressing favoritism to the social debris who were educated to thinking that their "special snowflake" concerns should become public policy. Indeed this particular special snowflake highlighted is using the First Amendment to try to destroy through amendment and abridgement the Second Amendment. She's like the Martians in "Mars Attacks" claiming to "cum in peace" as a ruse to gun down the stupid humans who believe that crap. Time to unleash a long-playing Slim Whitman record so that their gelatinous brains will quiver into explosion.

    There is a reason why the newspapers declined and decayed, starting with the fact that anyone able to read and think were not going to pay to read their stupid crap.

    Likewise your pathetic heavily-moderated blog. The only fun some of us have is in trolling your blog on items that will make you squeal. Otherwise, reading your free blog is a chore for those of us who want to find out what crooked crap the Joplin Establishment is trying to pull. We can't hide our contempt for your dishonest stupidity and since trolling is free as is you writing your corrupt silliness you either can simply censor everything you don't like and admit to yourself to being a coward and weakling or you can whine about how now you are receiving unwanted attention.

    The school shootings will continue -- as will the whining. Your "solution" will always be an excuse to do away with the Second Amendment while OUR solution will be to do away with the public schools.

    I know what side shall win.

    Drain the swamp. MAGA.

  10. In reference to Anonymous 12:11 p.m.'s comments- it is refreshing to learn that Donald Trump has earned Martin Lindstedt's full support.

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      ^^You beat me to it. ��

  11. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Hey 12:11
    You talk big for someone hiding behind anonymous. Anyone so proud of such hateful BS should man-up and put your name behind your big opinions. I’m posting under anonymous—I can admit I’m a chicken.

    1. Anonymous9:52 PM

      4:35... says

  12. Anonymous6:43 PM

    But I’m a girl

  13. Anonymous7:54 PM

    What is a "military assault weapon"?

  14. Anonymous8:19 PM

    "... AR-15, a semiautomatic rifle that delivers a devastatingly lethal, high-velocity bullet to the victim ..." - Heather Sher

  15. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Was the shooter in Florida bullied? If so, who bullied him? The same led by the nose mini leftists who are standing on stage pointing their sticky little fingers at the NRA?

  16. Very few do

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

  17. Anonymous5:35 AM

    @12:11 You go boy!! By the way when is the next neo-nazi KKK meeting? I am sure you know. Or have you changed it to the BS (Bigoted Supremacists) meeting?

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Nazis. Kkk.
      Everyone right of center.
      Forget the fact that Nazis were all about a strong central seat of power, you know, like Berlin or like Washington. However most right leaning people tend to want less power in a central seat. And the KKK... was Lyndon Johnson a member or did he just brag about manipulating blacks? Johnson was a huge conservative, wasn't he?

      People like you that throw words and names around without having a clue what you are are spewing. This is what makes a political discussion nearly impossible in this country. Both sides attack without actually listening to each other.
      The people in real power have succeeded in dividing the people as to make controlling people easier, and ignorant uninformed comments like this just makes it easier for them.

      But go ahead, keep showing us how smart you are by assuming anyone you disagree with is a Nazi... because it makes so much sense.

  18. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Enough, just take the damned guns and be done with it. And Harvey, your government does not have a problem in taking yours from your cold dead hand.

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      If his government has no problem taking it from his cold dead hand, then that should be a really good indication as to why he wants one.

  19. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Govt is not our friend, read your history

  20. There’s a reason for the 2nd Amendment, and there were bigger guns than muskets in the 1790’s

    Mortar, cannon, etc. Harvey Hutchinson, card carrying NRA member 303-522-6622 voice&text

  21. Anonymous10:35 AM

    There you go again Harvey. Nobody is trying to do away with the Second Amendment but you just have to keep spreading all those half truths and absolute falsehoods. This is similar to the current lie you are promoting that you can single handedly keep Joplin from becoming a Sanctuary City. You are a card carrier all right but I question which organization's card yo are carrying. I am encouraged however, that you agree that the government has the right and the power to restrict military weaponry.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Half truths indicate he is in fact half right. Which part in your uneducated opinion is he right about? Which part is he wrong about?

  22. To anonymous 10:35, please review

    Ferguson and Clinton, MO could very easily happen right here in our idyllic MIDWEST community

    As long as we have President Trump I don’t think we will have the resettlement refugee problem that was proposed several years ago
    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

    I may not can sigle handily keep Joplin from being an unlawful Sanctuary City, but I pledge to the citizens that my vote( one of 9) will always fight against them and protect the people’s freedom and security

  23. Anonymous11:36 AM

    He is talking in Alternative facts. That is now the accepted Republican "truth". Actual fact based information is no longer valid. As long as we have der Dumpsterfire as president we will continue to see the divisive hate filled rhetoric and lies that the Out House (formerly White House) continue to sell to their base. Make 'Murrica White Again. Of course now we hear the fool in the Out House wants to use military funding to pay for the wall that he promised Mexico was going to pay for.

    M orons
    A re
    G overning
    A merica

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Oh..haha.. der Dumpsterfire... haha.. dumpster fire but with der, like its German. Like der Furher... Hitler. Hitler and Trump. Because they are practically the same. Very similar philosophies and tactics...haha..clever and intelligent play on words.
      Isn't it a fact that Nazis were at complete opposition to Communists? And I thought the communist Russians are the ones that helped get Trump elected. So is he in bed with the communists or is he a Nazi? I don't believe that philosophically speaking that a person can serve both ideals.

  24. AR does my stand for Assault Rigle; it’s ArmaLite

    Just last week retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens call for eliminating the @relic” 2nd Amendment
    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

  25. To 11:42 am
    How do you possibly get for one NAMI second that Lyndon Johnson was conservative?
    Medicare, War on Poverty, Great Society, ad nauseum

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

    1. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Geez Harv, sounded like the post mentioning Johnson as a conservative was oozing with sarcasm.

    2. That it is,
      Other than Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt no body did as much to make the US a Communist State

      Harve HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

  26. Anonymous7:30 PM

    32 comments. Take away pay, benefits, time off for family, workers rights, no problem here in SW MO. They like it! But question the sacred AR-15 again..... You know if you join the military they will let you shoot the fully auto M-16 and M-60 at real people?

    1. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Are you babbling about right to work? If so, maybe no one complained because it makes sense.
      If that isn't what you are going on about, then please expand on your rant because I for one enjoy reading the irrational thoughts of delusional victim types like you.

  27. Anonymous5:31 AM

    @4:17 You are so Right. Trump only serves Putin. Would Trumpski be more agreeable for you? Or would you like King Trump better? Trumpski it is!

  28. Anonymous6:27 PM

    In what way does Trump serve Putin?
