Saturday, March 10, 2018

Stacey Newman: Gun bills that loosen regulations passed out of committee

(From Rep. Stacey Newman, D-St. Louis)

Tuesday afternoon the General Laws committee met to consider the gun bills they heard the previous day. Normally committees take a week to allow for amendments to be drafted and questions answered before going into Executive Session to vote on legislation.

Predictably, the three bills by Reps Merideth, Razer & myself were defeated by a party-line vote of 4-8. But there were shenanigans. Rep. Merideth offered an amendment deleting transfers in my bill, HB2081, which seemed was the committee's main objection. Nope. It failed. They BELIEVE that minors should be able to purchase ammunition.

And predictably but very troubling, the gun bills that LOOSEN state gun laws and make firearms more available almost everywhere, passed out of committee, again strictly on party-line votes.


  1. This old St Louis bag of wind is a waste of time.
    Her ideas are so wrong, there’s no place to begin.

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  2. Anonymous12:05 AM

    18 is NOT a minor!

  3. Good morning Randy( anonymous 12:05AM)

    Very correct 18 is adult in this and most states;! So they have rights to purchase guns and everything else,and the 18 year old males have the responsibility to register for the draft, and maybe go to a hot zone and get their ass shot off. I noticed President Trump has correctly changed his proposal on guns to 18.

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  4. Harvey, when I feel the need to make a comment on my blog I do it under my own name. This will be the last reference you will make insinuating that I am writing anonymous comments or writing comments under other names.

    1. Randy,
      Can you prove with evidence that you don’t write some or all of the anonymous blogs?

      That’s where the Globe has the jump on you; they not only require signed letters to the editor, but in some cases, actually follow up on them for verification.
      BTW, What is your current pricing structure for the Brooklyn Bridge?

      Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 25:7

  5. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Alternate wording of 4:53 pm comment:

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

    This old bag of wind is a waste of time.
    His ideas are so wrong, there’s no place to begin.

  6. not James W Riley2:30 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Harvey there is something you should know. Your blog comments serve as a constant reminder that Tanghipahoa Parish produces some of the finest fruits and nuts in all of 'Murrica.

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

    >>>How do I know you did not write it , Harvey? At first, I thought it was some idiot who was signing your name to these comments<<<

    I'm still stuck on this possibility...


  8. To: Not James Riley
    Have you ever been to Tangipahoa Parish? ; because you’re very wrong!!
    You might be confused with the Sanctuary State California?

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text

  9. Not James Riley/Anonymous 2:30p

    Tangipahoa Parish produces pine timber products and primarily.
    Nominal Of anything else.

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  10. Anonymous8:48 PM

    There are times when I start to respond to some of these mean-spirited comments. Usually I decide not to enter the fray. However, calling names is not appropriate. It is immature, unnecessary and does not advance constructive conversation. So, please stop.

  11. Randy,
    You review every post prior to publication, and have my ISP device address.
    I have offered to show you my valid Missouri drivers liscense and passport. That should be evidence enough, and don’t take this as mean-spirited; it’s simply stating the facts in the matter.
    One more thing I am not one of your high school students that you can unfairly bully and threaten with an F grade.

    Have a wonderful dsy( not sarcastic, rather sincerely)

    Harvey HUTCHINSON 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  12. Harvey, you have spent the last few weeks insinuating that I have been writing the anonymous comments on my blog. I make a joke to show how ridiculous it is and you accuse me of bullying you. I taught thousands of students and I doubt if you could ever find one who would accuse me of bullying, nor did I ever threaten any of them with an F. They received the grade they earned with their work. And you would not be able to find even one high school student who would accuse me of bullying, since I taught middle school.

  13. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Randy, it seems to me that you have bent over backwards to allow Hutchinson to post his trite and irritating one liners. It appears to me that he never had an original thought and is the kind of guy that you would love to meet up with in a dark alley some night. Personally if I were him I would dump the photograph because it is really irritating.

  14. Anonymous12:05 PM

    First of all, who is Harvey that he thinks you owe him any proof or explanation of anything? If he doesn't like a response then don't come in here and post.

    Oh, by the way Harvey,

    Have a wonderful dsy yourself. (Sarcastic.....check your spelling above in your post. Learn to proof read your posts. Edumucation is a wondermous thing. OK, here is your hint...look at the word day.)
